
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the putyourlightson/craft-sprig package instead.

Provides helpers for integrating Htmx with Craft CMS.

v1.x-dev 2023-06-06 19:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-17 18:43:13 UTC


Htmx Plugin for Craft CMS 3

This plugin is no longer maintained and has been replaced by Sprig.

Provides components and helpers for using Htmx with Craft CMS 3.

The plugin will automatically route any action requests made from Htmx through the htmx/route controller to ensure that the result is always in the format text/html and that no redirects take place.


The craft.htmx variable (and the shorthand version hx) is available in your twig templates. It provides components as well as values passed in through the Htmx request headers.

craft.htmx.component(template, options = {})

Renders a reactive component using the provided template.

{{ hx.component('path/to/template', { 
    params: {
        entryId: entry.id,
        title: entry.title,
}) }}

The params automatically become available as twig variables in the component:

Entry ID: {{ entryId }}

{# Add `hx-get` to make the input field reactive #}
<input hx-get type="text" name="title" value="{{ title }}">
{{ title|length }} characters of max 255

{# Any `hx-` attributes can be used #}
<button hx-get hx-confirm="Are you sure?">Refresh</button>

craft.htmx.get(tag, options = {})

Renders a get component using the provided tag and options.

{# Minimal example #}
{{ hx.get('div', { 
    content: 'Like', 
}) }}

{# Example with all possible options #}
{{ hx.get('button', {
    url: '/like',
    content: 'Like',
    params: {
        entryId: 1,
    hx: {
        trigger: 'click',
    attributes: {
        class: 'btn',
}) }}

Which will be output as:

{# Minimal example #}
<div hx-get="">Like</div>

{# Example with all possible options #}
<button hx-get="/like?entryId=1" hx-trigger="click" class="btn">Like</button>

craft.htmx.post(tag, options = {})

Renders a post component using the provided tag and options. A CSRF token will automatically be added if CSRF validation is enabled.

{# Minimal example #}
{{ hx.post('form', {
    content: '<input type="submit" value="Like">',
}) }}

{# Example with all possible options #}
{{ hx.post('form', {
    url: '/like',
    content: '<input type="submit" value="Like">',
    params: {
        entryId: 1,
    hx: {
        confirm: 'Are you sure?',
    attributes: {
        class: 'form',
}) }}

Which will be output as:

{# Minimal example #}
<form hx-post="">
  <input type="hidden" name="CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN" value="UIfhSl2qN0084dgj6NJdHcCTnL5xFPJ...">
  <input type="submit" value="Like">

{# Example with all possible options #}
<form hx-post="/like" hx-confirm="Are you sure?" class="form">
  <input type="hidden" name="CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN" value="UIfhSl2qN0084dgj6NJdHcCTnL5xFPJ...">
  <input type="hidden" name="entryId" value="1">
  <input type="submit" value="Like">

craft.htmx.script(attributes = {})

Returns a script tag to include the latest version of Htmx from unpkg.com.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/htmx.org"></script>


Returns true if this is a Htmx request, otherwise false.


Returns the ID of the element that triggered the request.


Returns the name of the element that triggered the request.


Returns the ID of the target element.


Returns the URL of the browser.


Returns the value entered by the user when prompted via hx-prompt.


Returns the ID of the original target of the event that triggered the request.


Returns the ID of the current active element.


Returns the name of the current active element.


Returns the value of the current active element.


Craft CMS 3.0.0 or later.


Install the plugin using composer.

composer require putyourlightson/craft-htmx:^0.1.0


This plugin is licensed for free under the MIT License.

Created by PutYourLightsOn.