
A simple locking/semaphore library for PHP 5.3+ with different adapters. Prevents flooding and multiple execution of code parts.

dev-master 2014-12-05 22:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 00:42:17 UTC



A simple locking/semaphore library for PHP 5.3+ with different adapters. Helps to keep code thread safe and prevent flooding or multiple execution of time consumptive code that could otherwise break your application.

You can set locks for a specific time duration. Locks can also be autoreleased on script termination. This assures that a task can only executed once at a time.


With Composer

Just add pteich/simplelock to your composer.json require:

"pteich/simplelock":  "dev-master"

Without Composer

Download archive from Github and expand it to a directory. There is no autoloader provided so you'll have to deal with it for your own. You can register Simplelock directory with your PSR-4 compatible autoloader.


// create apc adapter
$adapter = new \Simplelock\Adapter\Apc();

// create simplelock object using $adapter and use autounlock feature
$lock = new \Simplelock(

$ttl = 60; // seconds to lock
$mykey = 'my key'; // key for this lock

if (!$lock->locked($mykey)) {
	// lock now		
	// do hard work here


First argumente if the Simplelock constructor is an adapter object. Supported adapters are:

  • mock - unlock always, for testing purposes
  • file - file backend, keeps semaphore files in configurable directory
  • apc - apc backend, keeps values in memory

APC Adapter

No config must be provided. APC extension is required. Values are delete from memory on unlock.

File Adapter

Provide an array with path key pointing to a valid directory to store semaphore files. This adapter deletes files on unlock.


$adapter = new \Simplelock\Adapter\File(array(
	'path' => __DIR__ . '/lock'

Mock Adapter

This adapter keeps everything always unlocked. Useful for testing or to disable locking at all without removing calls to Simplelock.


If true is provided as second parameter to the Simplelock constructor all locks are automatically released on script termination.