ptcong / php-cache-manager
A Cache Manager library.
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
2015-05-29 05:13 UTC
- php: >=5.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2020-03-20 16:10:54 UTC
- A php library used to manage cache
- Support PHP >= 5
- Support more adapters: File, Array, Session, Memcached, Memcache
- Author: Phan Thanh Cong
- License: MIT
Version 1.1 (Jan 20, 2015)
- Rewrite the library
- Optimize File adapter
- Add new Array adapter (sometimes for testing)
- Don't need class loader, suppport autoload adapter by name
Remove support prefix, grouped
Version 1.0 (Apr 08, 2014)
- First release, make fast to use for Image Remote Upload library
- All basic features (set/ put/ get/ delete/ flush/ garbage collect)
- PHP >= 5 (not use namespace because still have hosting services that i'm using use PHP 5.2)
Support Adapters
- File
- Array
- Session
- Memcache (always return real value even value is true/false)
- Memcached
$cacher = ChipVN_Cache_Manager::make('File', array(
'cache_dir' => __DIR__ . '/cache', // need declare
'expires' => 900, // default expires
$cacher->set('key', 'value here'); // use default expires
$cacher->set('key', 'new value', 10); // 10 seconds
// you also can use
$cacher->put('key', value);
var_dump($cacher->has('key')); // true
$cacher = ChipVN_Cache_Manager::make('Memcache', array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211,
// host and port is default, you can make without options
$cacher = ChipVN_Cache_Manager::make('Memcache');
$cacher->put('false_value', false);
// always return real value instead of an empty string or "1" for false, true value.
var_dump($cacher->get('false_value')); // return false
// Cacher don't automatic run garbage collect,
// so you should call this when you want to run garbage