
An integration of JMS Serializer with Laravel!

1.3.1 2018-05-23 14:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 02:28:43 UTC


Binds the JMS serializer library to Laravel and allows schemas to be defined according to normal Laravel configuration conventions.


To get Laravel Serializer ready for use in your project, take the usual steps for setting up a Laravel package.

  1. Run: composer require psychob/laravel-serializer
  2. Add to your service provider: Atrauzzi\LaravelSerializer\JMSSerializerServiceProvider::class
  3. Run php artisan vendor:publish
Note: Because this package does not perform any data storage, no migrations are required.


All configuration is stored in config/serializer.php.

    return [
        // Auto fetch properties which are:
        //  * public - public properties (which can be accessed with getter)
        //  * static - static properties (which can be accessed with getter)
        // If default visibility is not set, or it's empty, only attributes
        // list will be used. If it's set, attributes will be considered
        // first, and then properties with default visibility will be
        // added
        'default_visibility' => [],

        // Add to serializer output _type property with class name
        'meta_property' => false,

        'mappings' => [
            Type::class => [
                'default_visibility' => [],
                'meta_property' => false,

                // You can map attributes in 3 ways:
                //  * listing them by name
                //  * listing them by name, and forcing correct
                //    serialization type
                //  * listring them by name and setting other options:
                //     * name - serialized name
                //     * type - serialization type
                //     * groups - list of groups
                'attributes' => [
                    'typed_property' => 'string',
                    'complex_property' => [
                        'type' => 'string',
                        'name' => 'custom_name',
                        'groups' => ['group'],


This library is maintained by Andrzej Budzanowski, based on atrauzzi/laravel-serializer by Alexander Trauzzi