
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

laravel4 widget system

dev-master 2014-05-19 07:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 06:21:31 UTC


Simple widget system for create awesome feature on blade templating Laravel 4


Open your composer.json file, and add the new required package.

  "Ps24love/widget": "dev-master" 

Next, open a terminal and run.

  composer update 

After the composer updated. Add new service provider and alias in app/config/app.php.

  'Widget' => 'Ps24love\Widget\Facades\Widget'



Registering your widget

To register your widget, simply create a file widgets.php in your app folder and put your widgets code in that file. Like this.

|-- app/
	|-- commands/
	|-- views/
	|-- filters.php
	|-- routes.php
	|-- widgets.php
|-- bootstrap/
|-- vendor/

Simple Widget :

Widget::register('awesome', function(){

	return View::make('awesome');


Widgets with one or more parameters:

Widget::register('hello', function($name){

	return "Hello, $name !";


Widget::register('box', function($title, $description){

	return View::make('', compact('title', 'description'));


Widget grouping of widgets that have previously been defined.

// First, you must registering one or more widget

Widget::register('categories', function(){
	return View::make('widgets.categories');

Widget::register('latestPost', function(){
	return View::make('widgets.latestPost');

// Next, you can group some widgets like this:

Widget::group('sidebar', array('categories', 'latestPost'));

Widget::group('footer', array('hello', 'box'));

Calling your widget

Globally calling the widget just like below:



Widget::box('Latest News', 'This is a description of latest news');

// calling widget group just like below
// Widget::$name();

// calling widget group which parameters just like below
// Widget::$name($params1, $params2, $params3, ....);
Widget::box(array('name'), array('My Tweets', '.....Latest Tweets'));

simple calling widget on view :



//calling group widget


@box(array('name'), array('My Tweets', '.....Latest Tweets'))


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license