
Beanstream PHP API

v1.0 2017-10-26 02:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 16:05:23 UTC


Composer ready PHP wrapper for Beanstream API.


The recommended way to install the library is using Composer.

    "require": {
        "propa/beanstream": "~1"

Handling Exceptions

If server returns an unexpected response or error, PHP API throws \Beanstream\Exception. Positive error codes correspond to Beanstream API errors, see Take Payment Errors, Analyze Payment Errors, Tokenize Payments Errors. Negative codes correspond to cURL errors (original cURL error codes are positive, in \Beanstream\Exception those are just reversed). Exception with zero error code are PHP API specific, e.g. The curl extension is required or Unexpected response format.

Generally, any unsuccessful request, e.g. insufficient data or declined transaction, results in \Beanstream\Exception, thus try..catch is recommended for intercepting and handling them, see example below.

Your First Integration

The sample below is an equivalent of original example from Beanstream.

$bm = new \Beanstream\Messenger(YOUR_MERCHANT_ID, YOUR_API_KEY);

try {
    $ts = $bm->payment(array(
        'order_number' => '100001234',
        'amount' => 100.00,
        'payment_method' => 'card',
        'card' => array(
            'name' => 'John Doe',
            'number' => '5100000010001004',
            'expiry_month' => '02',
            'expiry_year' => '17',
            'cvd' => '123'

     * Handle successful transaction, payment method returns
     * transaction details as result, so $ts contains that data
     * in the form of associative array.
} catch (\Beanstream\Exception $e) {
     * Handle transaction error, $e->code can be checked for a
     * specific error, e.g. 211 corresponds to transaction being
     * DECLINED, 314 - to missing or invalid payment information
     * etc.



Beansteam defines separate API access keys for payment, profile and search requests. It is possible though to use the same value for all of them, so one should either initialize seperate \Beanstream\Messanger instance for each request type or configure API passcodes in Beansteam merchant panel to be the same, see Generate API Keys.

Billing Address Province

Beanstream requires province field submitted along with billing data to be two-letter code. It only requires it when specified country is US or CA, for other country codes set it to -- even if corresponding country does have states or provinces.