
A tool for handling SVG files with PHP

1.0.0 2022-06-10 08:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-10 13:43:32 UTC


A simple PHP tool to perform basic functions on SVG files.

At Present

This tool takes the input of an <svg></svg> markup, either from a .svg file or just typed in. It then allows you to set or change custom attributes on the <svg></svg> as desired.

Currently only the <svg> tag can be manipulated, as the inner markup is beyond the current need.


This tool was built on PHP 8.1 - backwards compatibility to PHP 8.0 should be fine, but this tool should be incompatable with PHP 7.x and below as it uses a number of features introduced in PHP 8.0.



$svg = new SVG( file_get_contents( 'path/to/file.svg' ) );
$svg->set_id( 'myId' )
    ->set_size( 150, 150 )
    ->add_to_classlist( 'myClass' )
    ->set_stroke( 'red' )

echo $svg->return();

The above code will render the SVG image twice.