project-melody / validator
Set of Validation Rules
- php: >=5.3.3
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: @stable
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-07 03:52:54 UTC
Melody Validator is a set of validation rules with an easy way to customize validation groups. It works with PHP 5.3.3 or later.
- You can use chained validation like: v::email()->noWhitespace()->length(5,20)->validate("");
- You can set custom messages
- You can reuse the rules as you wish in a smart way
- You can load validation groups from YML and PHP files
- PSR-0 autoloading is compatible.
The recommended way to install Melody Validator is through
composer. Just create a composer.json
file and
run the php composer.phar install
command to install it:
"require": {
"project-melody/validator": "dev-master"
Importing Validator namespace:
use Melody\Validation\Validator as v;
Basic Usage
Chained validation
$password = "pass@2012"; v::length(6, 12) // Length between 6 and 12 characters ->containsSpecial(1) // at least 1 special character ->containsLetter(3) // at least 3 letters ->containsDigit(2) // at least 2 digits ->validate($password); // true
Getting violation messages
$email = ""; $emailValidator = v::email(); $emailValidator->validate($email); //true $violations = $emailValidator->getViolations(); //List all violation messages
Constraints reuse
$username = ""; $validEmail = v::email(); //Reusing $validEmail constraint $validUsername = $validEmail->add(v::maxLength(15)->minLength(5)); $validUsername->validate($username);//true
Only alphanumeric strings accepted:
$alnumValidator = v::alnum(); $alnumValidator->validate("valid"); //true $alnumValidator->validate("#invalid"); //false
Only boolean accepted:
$booleanValidator = v::boolean(); $booleanValidator->validate(true); //true $booleanValidator->validate(false); //true $booleanValidator->validate("not a boolean"); //false
ContainsDigit (integer $minimum)
Minimum of digits (0-9) occurences in the input string:
$containsDigitValidator = v::containsDigit(3); // Minimum 3 digits $containsDigitValidator->validate(123); //true $containsDigitValidator->validate("12a"); //false
ContainsLetter (integer $minimum)
Minimum of letters (a-z or A-Z) occurences in the input string:
$containsLetterValidator = v::containsLetter(1); // Minimum 1 letter $containsLetterValidator->validate("123a"); //true $containsLetterValidator->validate("1234"); //false
ContainsSpecial (integer $minimum)
Minimum of special characters occurences in the input string:
$containsSpecialValidator = v::containsSpecial(1); // Minimum 1 special character $containsSpecialValidator->validate("123@"); //true $containsSpecialValidator->validate("1234"); //false
Only valid emails accepted:
$emailValidator = v::email(); $emailValidator->validate(""); //true $emailValidator->validate(""); //false
Asserts if the input is an integer:
$intValidator = v::int(); $intValidator->validate(1234); //true $intValidator->validate("@"); //false
Asserts if the input is an array:
$isArrayValidator = v::isArray(); $isArrayValidator->validate(array()); //true $isArrayValidator->validate(new \ArrayObject()); //true $isArrayValidator->validate("not a array"); //false
Asserts if the key exists in the array:
$keyExistsValidator = v::keyExists("name"); $keyExistsValidator->validate(array("name" => "John Doe")); //true $keyExistsValidator->validate(array("age" => 25)); //false $keyExistsValidator->validate(array()); //false
Length (integer $minLength, integer $maxLength)
Ensures that the length of the string is between the min and max:
$lengthValidator = v::length(5, 10); $lengthValidator->validate("Valid"); //true $lengthValidator->validate("Invalid string"); //false
Max (integer $input)
Requires a given maximum number:
$maxValidator = v::max(10); $maxValidator->validate(10); //true $maxValidator->validate(11); //false
Min (integer $min)
Requires a given minimum number:
$minValidator = v::min(10); $minValidator->validate(10); //true $minValidator->validate(9); //false
MaxLength (integer $max)
Validates if the string has the maximum length specified
$maxLengthValidator = v::maxLength(8); $maxLengthValidator->validate("12345678"); //true $maxLengthValidator->validate("123456789"); //false
MinLength (integer $min)
Validates if the string has the minimum length specified
$minLengthValidator = v::minLength(9); $minLengthValidator->validate("123456789"); //true $minLengthValidator->validate("12345678"); //false
NotEmpty ()
Validates if the input is not empty:
$notEmptyValidator = v::notEmpty(); $notEmptyValidator->validate(" "); //false $notEmptyValidator->validate(null); //false $notEmptyValidator->validate(new \stdClass); //true $notEmptyValidator->validate("a "); //true
NoWhitespace ()
Validates if a string contains no whitespace:
$noWhitespaceValidator = v::noWhitespace(); $noWhitespaceValidator->validate("validstring"); //true $noWhitespaceValidator->validate("invalid string"); //false
Number ()
Validates if the input is numeric:
$numberValidator = v::number(); $numberValidator->validate(1234); //true $numberValidator->validate("not numeric"); //false
Range (integer $min, integer $max)
Validates if a number is between the minimum and maxim specified:
$rangeValidator = v::range(5, 10); $rangeValidator->validate(7); //true $rangeValidator->validate(4); //false
String ()
Validates if the input is a string:
$stringValidator = v::string(); $stringValidator->validate("a generic string"); //true $stringValidator->validate(1234); //false
Group Validation
This is the input we will use as reference to test the validation group:
use Melody\Validation\Validator as v; use Melody\Validation\ValidationGroups\ValidationGroupsFactory; $input['name'] = "Marcelo Santos"; $input['email'] = ""; $input['username'] = "marcelsud"; $input['password'] = "pass@2013";
Load from array
use Melody\Validation\ValidationGroups\Parser\ArrayParser; $config['registering'] = array( 'name' => v::maxLength(50), 'email' => v::email()->maxLength(50), 'username' => v::length(6, 12)->alnum()->noWhitespace(), 'password' => v::length(6, 12)->containsSpecial(1)->containsLetter(3)->containsDigit(2)->noWhitespace() ); $validationGroups = ValidationGroupsFactory::build(new ArrayParser($config)); $validationGroups->validate($input, "registering"); // true
Load from YAML file
# /path/to/validation.yml registering: name: "maxLength:50" email: "email|maxLength:50" username: "length:6:12|alnum|noWhitespace" password : "length:6:12|containsSpecial:1|containsLetter:3|containsDigit:2|noWhitespace"
use Melody\Validation\ValidationGroups\Parser\YamlParser; $validationGroups = ValidationGroupsFactory::build(new YamlParser("/path/to/validation.yml")); $validationGroups->validate($input, "registering"); // true
Load from PHP file
// /path/to/validation.php use Melody\Validation\Validator as v; $config['registering'] = array( 'name' => v::maxLength(50), 'email' => v::email()->maxLength(50), 'username' => v::length(6, 12)->alnum()->noWhitespace(), 'password' => v::length(6, 12)->containsSpecial(1)->containsLetter(3)->containsDigit(2)->noWhitespace() ); return $config;
use Melody\Validation\ValidationGroups\Parser\PHPParser; $validationGroups = ValidationGroupsFactory::build(new PHPParser("/path/to/validation.php")); $validationGroups->validate($input, "registering"); // true
Forge your own Validation Groups
use Melody\Validation\Common\Collections\ConstraintsCollection; use Melody\Validation\ValidationGroups\ValidationGroups; $constraintsCollection = new ConstraintsCollection(); $constraintsCollection->set('name', v::maxLength(50)); $constraintsCollection->set('email', v::email()->maxLength(50)); $validationGroups = new ValidationGroups(); $validationGroups->add("updating", $constraintsCollection); $validationGroups->validate($input, "updating"); // true $validationGroups->has("updating"); // true $validationGroups->remove("updating"); $validationGroups->has("registering"); // false
Add custom violation messages
$config['registering']['email'] = v::email()->maxLength(50); $validationGroups = ValidationGroupsFactory::build(new ArrayParser($config)); $input['email'] = "email"; $validationGroups->validate($input, "registering", array( 'email' => "'{{input}}' must be a valid email!" )); $errors = $validationGroups->getViolations(); // Lists all the violation messages var_dump($errors['email']); // string(45) "'email' must be a valid email!"