
PHP Mocking using annotations

v1.0.3 2018-03-11 18:20 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-29 05:14:54 UTC


PHP Mocking using annotations

Build Status

Mocktation lets you define return values of class methods when mocking, instead of having to define each return value in your tests.

By annotating using @mockReturn "test", the method will return "test" by default when calling the method after creating a mock using $this->createMock(CLASSNAME) in your tests.

This speeds up development since you can define default mock return values when writing the method, instead of retroactively deciding on mock values.

  1. Install Mocktation

    composer require-dev prodikl/mocktation
  2. Extend Mocktation/Testcase instead of PHPUnit TestCases

    use Mocktation\TestCase;
    class ExampleTest extends TestCase {
        public function testGetNum(){
            /** @var Example|MockObject $mock */
            $mock = $this->createMock(Example::class);
            $this->assertEquals(5, $mock->getNum(234));
  3. Use annotations to describe mocking in your methods

    class Example {
         * Accepts an int $num and returns it
         * @param $num      int     The num to return
         * @return int      The example num
         * @mockReturn      5
        public function getNum($num){
            return $num;

Here's a list of Mocktation annotations

  • @mockReturn [returnValue] - Returns the [returnValue] when called
  • @mockReturnArgument [argumentNumber] - Returns the [argumentNumber] when called. [argumentNumber] starts from 0.