processwire/processwire Security Advisories for 3.0.98 (4)
[MEDIUM] ProcessWire Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability
PKSA-twvv-msc6-sf6p CVE-2024-41597 GHSA-r9vw-cjf9-xh4x
Affected version: <=3.0.229
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] Arbitrary Code Execution in Processwire
PKSA-b6gq-bsy2-xy6h CVE-2023-24676 GHSA-2cvg-w29m-j8xc
Affected version: <=3.0.210
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] ProcessWire vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting
PKSA-ydww-nn4g-q9kw CVE-2022-40487 GHSA-8g35-prrr-gxxf
Affected version: <=3.0.200
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] ProcessWire vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery
PKSA-md6w-2wsd-5fw5 CVE-2022-40488 GHSA-vpwh-qmwc-2phg
Affected version: <=3.0.200
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