
PSR-7 ip filter middleware. Sets the status code to 401 if needed according to user defined rules.

0.3 2016-05-22 16:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 22:52:15 UTC


PSR-7 IpFilter

##ALLOW mode

The default allow rule set allows all connections through except when the address matches

DENY mode

A default deny rule set will deny all connections through unless an address matches.


use Prezto\IpFilter\IpFilterMiddleware;
use Prezto\IpFilter\Mode;

# Instantiate with a single address. Allow only one ip.
$filter = new IpFilterMiddleware([''], Mode::DENY)

# Instantiate with an address range. Allow only this range.
$filter = new IpFilterMiddleware([['', '']], Mode::DENY)

# Adding addresses after instantiating.
$filter->addIpRange('', '');

After this you can add the class to a psr7 middleware loader that accepts $request, $response and next as parameters.

By default there is an error handler assigned when the user ois denied access. You can define your own by calling setHandler method and pass it a function/callable as parameter. The parameters of this function need to be $request, $response. If access is denied it will interupt the execution after calling the handler.