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Serialization templating

0.6.2 2015-05-22 13:48 UTC


If you don't know what this does, you probably don't need it and shouldn't use it. :)

Note: This library will have composer install Laravel, which is pretty insane if you don't use Laravel. It uses array and pluralization helper classes from there. I only use it in Laravel currently, so it made sense for me, even though it might not make sense for you. Sorry.

First, an insane amount of preparations

use Prewk\Seriplating\GenericDeserializer;
use Prewk\Seriplating\GenericSerializer;
use Prewk\Seriplating\IdFactory;
use Prewk\Seriplating\IdResolver;
use Prewk\Seriplating\HierarchicalTemplate;
use Prewk\SeriplatingTemplate;
use Prewk\Seriplating\Seriplater;
use Prewk\Seriplating\Rule;

// Boilerplate classes
$t = new Seriplater(new Rule);
$idFactory = new IdFactory;
$idResolver = new IdResolver;
$genericSerializer = new GenericSerializer($idFactory);
$genericDeserializer = new GenericDeserializer($idResolver);
$hierarchy = new HierarchicalTemplate($idResolver);

// Bring your own repositories, implement Prewk\Seriplating\Contracts\RepositoryInterface
$fooRepository = new FooRepository;
$barRepository = new BarRepository;
$bazRepository = new BazRepository;

// A Foo entity has two Bars and a Baz
// Corresponding database tables could be foos, bars, and bazes

// Construct the serialization templates
// ..for Foo
$fooSeriplater = new GenericSerializer($genericSerializer, $genericDeserializer, fooRepository, [
    "id" => $t->id("foos"),
    "setting" => $t->value(),
    "bars" => $t->hasMany("bars"),

// ..for Bar
$barSeriplater = new GenericSerializer($genericSerializer, $genericDeserializer, barRepository, [
    "id" => $t->id("bars"),
    "sort_order" => $t->increments(),
    "baz_id" => $t->references("bazes"),

// ..for Baz
$bazSeriplater = new GenericSerializer($genericSerializer, $genericDeserializer, bazRepository, [
    "id" => $t->id("bazes"),
    "content" => $t->value(),

// Register them in the hierarchical templating class

Then, time to serialize


// Entity built up from your own database content
$entityWithChildren = [
    "id" => 1,
    "setting" => "some value",
    "bars" => [
            "id" => 1,
            "sort_order" => 0,
            "baz_id" => 1,
            "id" => 2,
            "sort_order" => 1,
            "baz_id" => 1,
    "bazes" => [
            "id" => 1,
            "content" => "<p>Lorem ipsum<p>",

// Serialize
$serialization = $hierarchy->serialize("foos", $entityWithChildren);

$serialization now contains a self-referential array format that can be converted to XML/whatever.

To deserialize it again:

// Deserialize
$deserialized = $hierarchy->deserialize("foos", $serialization);

// The appropriate provided repositories will now have been called and entities will be created in the db
$fooId = $deserialized["id"];

Available templating rules

  • ->value() A value
  • optional()->value() An optional value
  • ->id($name) Primary key, $name corresponds to the entity name (recommended: db table name)
  • ->references($name) The field refers to a primary id in another entity with the name $name
  • ->optional()->references($name) An optional reference field
  • ->references($name, $fallback) If references entity is unresolvable, fallback to the given value (typically 0)
  • ->conditions($field, [... conditions ...], $default) Conditionally pick a rule depending on the value of the given field, with an optional fallback $default rule if no other cases matched.
  • ->deep([ ... regexp-indexed rules ....]) A regexp-to-rule array which will run against the given field and apply the rule on matches, the rest of the field is included as-is (Like a ->value()) with array dot notation
  • ->hasMany($name) This field is an array of child entities with their own templating rules registered in the HierarchicalTemplate
  • ->inherits($field) Value is inherited from the field $field above in the templating hierarchy
  • ->inherits($field1, $field2, ...) Fallbacks, useful if all entites in a hierarchy needs to inherit some id from the top, but calls it foo_id after the first inherit and downwards
  • ->increments() In a hierarchical deserialization, the parent deserializer will start on 0 and count upwards on every entity
  • ->increments($start, $increment) Start value (default 0), and increment value (for instance -1 to decrement instead)


$template = [
    "id" => $t->id("foos"),
    "type" => $t->value(),
    "refers_to_different_things_depending_on_type" => $t->conditions("type", [
        "Bar" => $t->references("bars"),
        "Baz" => $t->references("bazes"),
        "Qux" => $t->value(),


$entity = [
    "id" => 123,
    "data" => [
        "something" => [
            ["id" => 500, "stuff" => true], // = 500
            ["id" => 600, "stuff" => true], // = 600
            ["id" => 700, "stuff" => false], // = 700
        "bar_id" => 5,

$template = [
    "id" => $t->id("foos"),
    "data" => $t->deep([
        "/\\.something\\.\$/" => $t->references("something"),
        "/^bar_id$/" => $t->inherits("id"),


$template1 = [
    "id" => $t->id("foos"),
    "bars" => $t->hasMany("bars"),
$template2 = [
    "id" => $t->id("bars"),
    "foo_id" => $t->references("foos"),
    "sort_order" => $t->increments(),


use Prewk\Seriplating\Formatters\XmlFormatter;

$serialization = ...

$xmlFormatter = new XmlFormatter;

file_put_contents("serialized.xml", $xmlFormatter->formatSerialized($serialization));

$serialization = $xmlFormatter->unformatSerialized(file_get_contents("serialized.xml"));

Known issues

  • Self-referential nesting is buggy and should be avoided, instead of arranging entities of the same type as a tree of themselves, keep them in a flat array with proper references
  • Conditional inherits, increments, and hasMany may be buggy
  • The code is totally spaghetti atm