
Simple cache library for PHP built on top of PSR-16.

v1.1 2017-11-13 19:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-06 09:09:52 UTC


Simple Cache Client Adapter

PHP Cache library built by PSR-16 simple cache interface

You can find implementations of the specification by looking for packages providing the psr/simple-cache-implementation virtual package.


  • Run this command: composer require previewtechs/simple-cache:dev-master


  • Create a file named test.php in your root directory and add these following codes:

require "vendor/autoload.php";

$cache = new Memcached();
    ['localhost', 11211, 1]

$cache = new Previewtechs\SimpleCache\Memcached($cache);

// Set Cache key.
$data = [
    'sample' => 'data',
    'another' => 'data'

$cache->set('your_custom_key', $data);

// Check cached key exists or not.

// Get Cached key data.
  • then run php test.php

For Documentations
