
Add a searchable, filterable catalog to the Pressbooks Aldine theme


Contributors: fdalcin, arzola, richard015ar, steelwagstaff
Donate link:
Requires at least: 6.5
Tested up to: 6.5 \

Stable tag: 1.3.7 \

Requires PHP: 8.1
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:

This plugin adds a searchable, filterable catalog to the Pressbooks Aldine theme.


  • PHP >=8.1
  • WordPress >= 6.5
  • Pressbooks >= 6.18.0
  • Aldine >= 1.19.0


Run composer require pressbooks/pressbooks-network-catalog in your project bedrock.

Frontend development

Run npm install to install the dependencies.

The project uses VITE and Tailwind JIT to compile the frontend assets. Run npm run dev to compile the assets and use hot reloading.

To enable hot reloading:

  1. Set IS_VITE_DEVELOPMENT environment variable to true to enable the development server, located in the pressbooks-netwotk-catalog.php (main plugin file).

  2. Run npm run dev this will watch for changes and recompile the assets using hot reloading.

Build frontend assets

If you've set up hot reloading, don't forget to revert IS_VITE_DEVELOPMENT to false in the pressbooks-network-catalog.php (main plugin file).

Run npm run build to build the frontend assets.

Run tests

Run composer test to run the tests.

Lint coding standards

Run composer standards to run the tests.


Please see the CHANGELOG file for more information.