
MySQL abstraction API that handle generation and securing of SQL queries

v4.5.0 2017-06-07 16:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 05:45:47 UTC


Prep project is a PHP project that aims to make database interaction easier and lighter for the developers. Since it will be faster to write correctly your queries, and easier to read (especially for someone not aware of SQL syntax). You won't need to know SQL to make your own queries (all the main SQL keywords and the anti-injection mechanisms of data is build by PREP), but knowledge may help you understand if an error occurs.


Using Composer

If you're using Composer in your project, you can type the following command line:

composer require prep/prep

And it's done! If you haven't already, include the vendor/autoload.php file to use Prep.

Or you just add this lines in your composer.json file:

    "prep/prep": "~4.4"

Then run composer install or composer update, and that's it!

Using the PHAR

You can download the latest version of PREP in the Download section and unzip it. Then, you will have to add the following line on the beginning of your scripts:

require_once 'Prep.phar';

And that's it!

If you are using an IDE, the PHAR archive is stripped of every thing that is not PHP code, so your IDE won't find the documentation. You should add the multi-files code to your dev environment.

Using Git

You can clone the project from Git git clone and then, include the autoload file from your PHP file:

require_once 'PREP.autoload.php';

How to use it?

This project has been made to make SQL queries intuitive. You don't have to worry about SQL injections, PREP does it for you, and makes your job less complicated when it comes to error handling - all you have to do is to catch an Exception.

try {
    Prep::insert('tableName', ['name'=>$_POST['name'], 'email'=>$_SESSION['email'], 'permissions'=>PERMISSIONS\ADMIN]);
} catch (prep\Exception $e) {
    echo 'Here you can inform your users an error inform';
    // You may also execute any other code to inform yourself to correct that error

As you can read, this code makes an insertion in the tableName table of your database, specifying a name, an email and a permission level. And don't worry about SQL injections, it has been taking cared of!

An error keeps occurring and you don't know why? Just use the debug_ prefix on your method, and you know what it is about:

try {
    Prep::debug_insert('wrongTableName', ['name'=>$_POST['name'], 'email'=>$_SESSION['email'], 'permissions'=>2]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    exit('An error occurred, sorry :/');

And you'll get something like this:

  public 'PDOStatement::rowCount()' => int 0
  public 'SQL_query' => string 'INSERT INTO  `wrongTableName` (`name`,`email`,`permissions`) VALUES (?,?,2)' (length=75)
  public 'parameters' => 
    array (size=2)
      0 => string 'aduh95' (length=6)
      1 => string '' (length=16)
  public 'MySQL_errorInfo' => 
    array (size=3)
      0 => string '42S02' (length=5)
      1 => int 1146
      2 => string 'La table 'database.wrongtablename' n'existe pas' (length=47)

You can see that the table name is misspelled (it is written in French because my MySQL server is french).

Examples and manual

Please see the wiki of the project, it will teach you all you need to know (and even more).


It requires PHP 5.6 or higher as of version 3.8. The SQL syntax generated has been tested for MySQL 5.5 or higher.

Where does it come from?

The idea of PREP came when I discovered jQuery: a library thought for the developer. I knew something like that for the database interaction was missing. I wanted to create a project that was easy to write and to read, easy to remember and secured.

I learned a lot writing all those classes, made a lot of mistakes. If I let any in the code, please tell me! If you want to contribute to or if you have any suggestion about the project, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for reading and I hope you'll have fun using my tool.