
Use Bulma instead of Bootstrap along with versioned asset files.

0.0.9 2018-12-17 05:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 18:36:18 UTC


Bulma Frontend Preset For Laravel

This preset switches out Bootstrap with the awesome Bulma. In it's own words:

Bulma is a free, open source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by more than 100,000 developers.


What it does

  • Removes bootstrap in favor of bulma.
  • Other NPM packages removed: lodash, jquery, popper.js.
  • Adds a Bulma based Blade layout: resources/views/bulma/layouts/app.blade.php.
  • Adds a Bulma based Blade view: resources/views/bulma/welcome.blade.php.
  • Adds a Bulma based "Navbar" Blade component: resources/views/bulma/shared/bulma-nav.blade.php.
  • Adds versioning / cache-busting of CSS and JS assets for production environments in your webpack.mix.js.


This preset's Blade views are kept in it's own directory so nothing should go wrong on that front, but, for a non-fresh project, it will 100% squash any custom JS, SASS, Mix code you may have written). You have been warned!

  • cd into your fresh Laravel project.
  • Run composer require pratyushpundir/laravel-bulma-preset.
  • Then run php artisan preset bulma. This will scaffold everything you need to replace Bootstrap with Bulma and set up your JS, SASS and Blade Views.
  • Install and compile your assets with yarn && yarn watch or npm install && npm run watch (but yarn is so much better!!!).
  • Visit routes/web.php and change the following piece of code:
Route::get('/', function () {
    // Change this...
    return view('welcome');


Route::get('/', function () {
    // To this!
    return view('bulma.welcome');

That's it!. Run php artisan serve and visit http://localhost:8000 for a brand new, Bulma-based, Welcome page!


Asset versioning / cache-busting in Production

You need to ensure 2 things happen for this to work:

  1. SASS and JS assets need to be compiled using the the production settings. To do this, run yarn production or yarn prod. You can use NPM too of course. But we talked about this!
  2. Your Laravel app needs to be in production environment. Do this in your .env file.

Enable the Version Number Badge in bulma-nav.blade.php

  1. Add 'version' => env('APP_VERSION', '1.0.0'), to your config/app.php file.
  2. Add APP_VERSION=YOUR_VERSION_NUMBER to your .env file. Replace "YOUR_VERSION_NUMBER" with whatever you need.

Configure the environment indicator

This preset also adds an environment indicator to help you distinguish between various app environments your Laravel app can be in (local, dev, staging, production, etc.). It shows up as a thin colored bar at the very top of the page. The color of the bar indicates the app environment.

This works by adding a class-name equal to a hyphenated form of the environment name you set in your .env file. You can then configure the colors you want your indicator to have in resources/sass/app.scss. Hunt down the following piece of code and change it as needed:

// Configure environment-wise colors you need per environment
#env-indicator.local {
    background-color: $primary;
} {
    background-color: $primary-invert;

// Hide the environment indicator on your choice of environments
#env-indicator.staging {
    display: none !important;


Pratyush Pundir