
Ckeditor 5 for Laravel

v1.0.0 2023-09-20 07:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 12:09:31 UTC


This is a Livewire component which allows to add basic CkEditor 5 integration to your Laravel app.


  1. PHP >= 8.2
  2. Laravel >= 9
  3. Livewire >= 2
  4. AlpineJs >= 2


  1. Install package: composer require pranabkalita/blade-ckeditor
  2. Publish Assets: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=blade-ckeditor
  3. Add the following directives in you layout file
     @alpineJs // Not required for Livewire >= 3
  4. In your blade file: <x-blade-ckeditor wire:model="body" />
  5. For edit purpose you must provide the initialContent props like below
    <x-ckeditor wire:model="body" :initialContent="$body" />


Since this is new package. No custom options are available yet. Will be working on it and pushing out regular updates with new features.

  1. Get rid of :initialContent and make it work with wire:mode iteself.
  2. Use the ability to select the editor version i.e WYSIWYG or Markdown.