
pPort Service Manager Package.

dev-master 2018-03-30 08:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-16 02:21:31 UTC


pPort Service Manager Package : Easily enable management of application services, providers and easy access.


Install pport\ioc using composer :

composer require pport/ioc

Register A Service Provider

1. As a Closure

	$ioc=new pPort\Ioc\Container();
		$student_obj=new stdClass();
		return $student_obj; 
	$ioc->student->first_name; //Will output Martin

2. As an Actual Class or Name-Space

	//or if you have a  Student-Class, this will also work with name-spaced classes
	class Student
		public $first_name;
		function __construct()
		function get_first_name()
			return $this->first_name;
	echo $ioc->student->first_name; //Will output Jones

3. Directly using get.

If a service is not registered, get automatically registers and returns the service-class


Get Registered Services

1. Using the get method


2. As a variable call


3. As a function call


4. As an array parameter


Recursive Resolution of Dependencies

pPort Ioc supports recursive resolution of dependencies. The Student class below when loaded will have it's dependency auto-injected, the Teacher Class will also have it's dependency auto-injected :

	class Lesson
		public $lesson;
		function __construct()
		function get_class()
			return $this->lesson;

	class Teacher
		public $class;
		public $lesson;
		function __construct(Lesson $lesson)
		function get_class()
			return $this->class;

	class Student
		public $teacher;
		function __construct(Teacher $teacher)
		function get_teacher()
			return $this->teacher;
	//The dependencies are recursively registered and injected to the student class when called