
A simple filesystem based cache in PHP. Ideal for caching large API responses that rarely need updating.

dev-master 2020-05-31 05:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 05:01:48 UTC


A simple filesystem based cache in PHP. Ideal for caching large API responses that rarely need updating.


Install as a Composer package or download this repository and include the class in your project.


To have your data automatically cached, create a new Cache instance by specifying a file path and an expiry time in seconds. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.

$path = 'cache.json';
$expiry = 36000;
$cache = new Cache($path, $expiry);

if ($cache->needsUpdate()) {
  $data = // get some new data;
 } else {
  $data = $cache->read();

Declarative updates

The above method lets you control when and if your cache is updated, but if you don't require that level of control you can simply pass a function that returns the updated data for the cache in case it is expired, and let it handle the rest. This is useful if your data is not likely to change dynamically and you just need up-to-date caches to read from.

function get_data() {
 // do something here
 return $data;

class API {
 public static function get_data() {
   // some api stuff
   return $data;

$cache = new Cache('cache.json', 36000, 'get_data'); // Cache will update itself using the provided function if expired
$apiCache = new Cache('api.json', 36000, array(API::class, 'get_data')); // Accepts any callable that returns data


interface ICache {
   public function write($data) : bool;
   public function read() : string;
   public function needsUpdate() : bool;