
PHP for Postmen API. This extension helps developers to integrate with Postmen easily.

1.0.0 2016-01-29 09:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 20:48:06 UTC


PHP SDK for Postmen API. For problems and suggestions please open GitHub issue

Table of Contents



PHP version >= 5.3 is required. For SDK development PHP 5.6 is required (to run automated tests).

Tested on PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6.

Manual installation

  • Download the source code.
  • Reference API class.

Using Composer

  • If you don't have Composer, download and install
  • You have 2 options to download the Postmen PHP SDK

Run the following command to require Postmen PHP SDK

composer require postmen/sdk-php

OR download the sorce code and run

composer install
  • Autoload the postmen-php-sdk package.
$loader = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Quick Start

In order to get API key and choose a region refer to the documentation.

use Postmen\Postmen;

$api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$region = 'sandbox';

// create Postmen API handler object

$api = new Postmen($api_key, $region);

try {
	// as an example we request all the labels
	$result = $api->get('labels');
	echo "RESULT:\n";
} catch (exception $e) {
	// if error occurs we can access all
	// the details in following way
	echo "ERROR:\n";
	echo $e->getCode() . "\n";	// error code
	echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";	// error message
	print_r($e->getDetails());	// details

class Postmen

Postmen($api_key, $region, $config = array())

Initiate Postmen SDK object. In order to get API key and choose a region refer to the documentation.

Argument Required Type Default Description
$api_key YES String N / A API key
$region NO if $config['endpoint'] is set String N / A API region (sandbox, production)
$config NO Array array() Options
$config['endpoint'] String N / A Custom URL API endpoint
$config['retry'] Boolean TRUE Automatic retry on retryable errors
$config['rate'] Boolean TRUE Wait before API call if rate limit exceeded or retry on 429 error
$config['safe'] Boolean FALSE Suppress exceptions on errors, NULL would be returned instead, check Error Handling
$config['raw'] Boolean FALSE To return API response as a raw string
$config['array'] Boolean FALSE To return API response as an associative array
$config['proxy'] Array array() Proxy credentials
$config['proxy']['host'] YES if $config['proxy'] is not empty String N / A Proxy host
$config['proxy']['port'] NO Integer N / A Proxy port
$config['proxy']['username'] NO String N / A Proxy user name
$config['proxy']['password'] NO String N / A Proxy password

create($resource, $payload, $config = array())

Creates API $resource object, returns new object payload as Array.

Argument Required Type Default Description
$resource YES String N / A Postmen API resourse ('rates', 'labels', 'manifests')
$payload YES Array or String N / A Payload according to API
$config NO Array array() Override constructor config

API Docs:


get($resource, $id = NULL, $query = array(), $config = array())

Gets API $resource objects (list or a single objects).

Argument Required Type Default Description
$resource YES String N / A Postmen API resourse ('rates', 'labels', 'manifests')
$id NO String NULL Object ID, if not set 'list all' API method is used
$query NO Array or String array() Optional parameters for 'list all' API method
$config NO Array array() Override constructor config

API Docs:



Returns SDK error, PostmenException type if $conifg['safe'] = TRUE; was set.

Check Error Handling for details.

callGET($path, $query = array(), $options = array())

Performs HTTP GET request, returns an Array object holding API response.

Argument Required Type Default Description
$path YES String N / A URL path (e.g. 'v3/labels' for )
$query NO Array or String array() HTTP GET request query string
$config NO Array array() Override constructor config

callPOST($path, $body = array(), $options = array())

callPUT($path, $body = array(), $options = array())

callDELETE($path, $body = array(), $options = array())

Performs HTTP POST/PUT/DELETE request, returns an Array object holding API response.

Argument Required Type Default Description
$path YES String N / A URL path (e.g. 'v3/labels' for )
$body YES Array or String N / A HTTP POST/PUT/DELETE request body
$config NO Array array() Override constructor config

Error Handling

Particular error details are listed in the documentation.

All SDK methods may throw an exception described below.

class PostmenException

Method Return type Description
getCode() Integer Error code
isRetryable() Boolean Indicates if error is retryable
getMessage() String Error message (e.g. The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served)
getDetails() Array Error details (e.g. Destination country must be RUS or KAZ)

In case of $conifg['safe'] = TRUE; SDK would not throw exceptions, getError() must be used instead.

Example: error.php

Automatic retry on retryable error

If API error is retryable, SDK will wait for delay and retry. Delay starts from 1 second. After each try, delay time is doubled. Maximum number of attempts is 5.

To disable this option set $conifg['retry'] = FALSE;


Full list

All examples avalible listed in the table below.

File Description
rates_create.php rates object creation
rates_retrieve.php rates object(s) retrieve
labels_create.php labels object creation
labels_retrieve.php labels object(s) retrieve
manifests_create.php manifests object creation
manifests_retrieve.php manifests object(s) retrieve
cancel_labels_create.php cancel-labels object creation
cancel_labels_retrieve.php cancel-labels object(s) retrieve
proxy.php Proxy usage
error.php Avalible ways to catch/get errors
response.php Avalible output types

How to run

Download the source code, go to examples directory.

Put your API key and region to credentials.php

Check the file you want to run before run. Some require you to set additional variables.

Navigation table

For each API method SDK provides PHP wrapper. Use the table below to find SDK method and example that match your need.

Model \ Action create get all get by id
rates .create('rates', $payload, $opt) .get('rates', NULL, NULL, $opt) .get('rates', $id, NULL, $opt)
labels .create('labels', $payload, $opt) .get('labels', NULL, NULL, $opt) .get('labels', $id, NULL, $opt)
manifest .create('manifest', $payload, $opt) .get('manifest', NULL, NULL, $opt) .get('manifest', $id, NULL, $opt)
cancel-labels .create('cancel-labels', $payload, $opt) .get('cancel-labels', NULL, NULL, $opt) .get('cancel-labels', $id, NULL, $opt)


If you contribute to SDK, run automated test before you make pull request.

phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/Postmen.php


Released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
