
Everything you need to integrate Quickbooks with Laravel

v1.2.8 2022-08-02 05:51 UTC


Helper wrapping the Quickbooks PHP SDK.


  1. Install the package
composer require popplestones/quickbooks-helper
  1. Run our migrations to install the quickbooks_tokens table:

``bash php artisan migrate --package=popplestones/quickbooks-helper

The package uses auto registration of Laravel.


  1. You will need a quickbooksToken relationship on your user model, or optionally another model. There is a trait named Poppletstones\Quickbooks\Traits\HasQuickbooksToken, which you can iunclude on your user model, which will setup the relationship. To do this implement the following:

Add use Popplestones\Quickbooks\Traits\HasQuickbooksToken; to the top of User.php and also add the trait to the class. For example:

use Popplestones\Quickbooks\Traits\HasQuickbooksToken;

class User extends Authenticateable
    use Notifiable, HasQuickbooksToken;

Note: If your User model is not App\models\User, then you will need to publish the config and modify it as documented below.

Change model

  1. Publish the config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=quickbooks.config
  1. Modify the model and fields as required
'user' => [
    'keys' => [
        'foreign' => 'user_id',
        'owner' => 'id'
    'model' => 'App\Models\User'

Quickbooks API Keys

  1. Add your client_id and client_secret to your .env file

Minimal keys

QUICKBOOKS_CLIENT_ID=<client id provided by quickbooks>
QUICKBOOKS_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret provided by quickbooks>

Optional keys

QUICKBOOKS_API_URL=<Development|Production> # defaults to App's env value
QUICKBOOKS_DEBUG=<true|false>               # defaults to App's debug value


View files can be published by running

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=quickbooks-views


Here is an example of getting the company information from Quickbooks using tinker:

Note: Before doing these commands, go to your connect route (default /quickbooks/connect) to get a quickbooks token for your user.

$quickbooks = app('Quickbooks')

You can call any of the resources as documented in the SDK.

Using the included artisan commands

If you want to use the included artisan commands, you will need to provide the query to use to retrieve your data. In your AppServiceProvider's boot method add your customer queries.

QuickbooksHelper::setCustomerQuery(function() {
	return User::query()

QuickbooksHelper::setCustomerFilter(function($query) {
	    ->where('sync_failed', '<', 3);

Once you have set the customerQuery and the customerFilter, you can then run the artisan command to sync customers with quickbooks.

php artisan qb:customer

In this provided example only customers that have orders and have not failed syncing more than 3 times and have not already been synced with quickbooks will be synced. If you specify a customer to sync by ID like this:

php artisan qb:customer --id=123

The customer filter will be ignored, this enables you to update an existing customer that has already been synced.

Similarly to use the qb:invoice command you will also need to set the invoiceQuery and invoiceFilter, e.g.

QuickbooksHelper::setInvoiceQuery(function() {
	return Order::query()
	    ->with(['user', 'items'])
	    ->whereHas('user', function ($q) {

QuickbooksHelper::setInvoiceFilter(function(&$query) {
	$query->where(function ($q) {
	    ->orWhere('sync', 1);
     ->where('sync_failed', '<', 3)


If you have routes that will be dependent on the user's account having a usable QuickBooks OAuth token, there is an included middleware Codemonkey76\Quickbooks\Http\Middleware\QuickbooksConnected that gets registered as quickbooks that will ensure the account is linked and redirect them to the connect route if needed.

Here is an example route definition:

Route::view('some/route/needing/quickbooks/token/before/using', 'some.view')