
Pop Utilities Component for Pop PHP Framework

2.2.0 2025-02-12 19:36 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-12 19:52:29 UTC


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pop-utils is a basic utilities component of the Pop PHP Framework. It comes with a number of utility and helper classes that can be useful when building applications with Pop.



Install pop-utils using Composer.

composer require popphp/pop-utils

Or, require it in your composer.json file

"require": {
    "popphp/pop-utils" : "^2.2.0"


Array Object

The Pop\Utils\ArrayObject class implements a number of interfaces to allow it to behave like array, but with much more functionality built in. With it, you can access the array data within the object via standard array notation ($ary['item']) or via object notation ($ary->item).

You can iterate over the array object and it is countable. Also you can cast it to an native array using the toArray() method.

use Pop\Utils\ArrayObject;

$arrayObject = new ArrayObject(['foo' => 'bar']);

echo $arrayObject->foo;
echo $arrayObject['foo'];

echo count($arrayObject);

foreach ($arrayObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $key . ': ' . $value;

$array = $arrayObject->toArray();

There are also additional serialize/unserialize methods that allow you to work with the array object as JSON-string or PHP-serialized string

use Pop\Utils\ArrayObject;

$arrayObject = ArrayObject::createFromJson('{"foo":"bar"}');
echo $arrayObject->jsonSerialize(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
use Pop\Utils\ArrayObject;

$arrayObject = ArrayObject::createFromSerialized('a:1:{s:3:"foo";s:3:"bar";}');
echo $arrayObject->serialize();



The collection object is a array-like object with a tremendous amount of array-like functionality built into it. This allows you to call any number of methods on the object to perform operations on the array and its data. It's available API includes:

  • count(): int
  • first(): mixed
  • next(): mixed
  • current(): mixed
  • last(): mixed
  • key(): mixed
  • contains(mixed $key, bool $strict = false): bool
  • each(callable $callback): Collection
  • every(int $step, int $offset = 0): Collection
  • filter(?callable $callback = null, int $flag = 0): Collection
  • map(callable $callback): Collection
  • flip(): Collection
  • has(mixed $key): bool
  • isEmpty(): bool
  • keys(): Collection
  • column(string $column): Collection
  • values(): Collection
  • merge(mixed $data, $recursive = false): Collection
  • forPage(int $page, int $perPage): Collection
  • pop(): mixed
  • push(mixed $value): Collection
  • shift(): mixed
  • slice(int $offset, int $length = null): Collection
  • splice(int $offset, ?int $length = null, mixed $replacement = []): Collection
  • sort(?callable $callback = null, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR): Collection
  • sortByAsc(int $flags = SORT_REGULAR): Collection
  • sortByDesc(int $flags = SORT_REGULAR): Collection
  • toArray(): array


Callable Object

The Pop\Utils\CallableObject class helps to manage callable objects and their parameters. This includes functions, closures, classes and their methods (both static and instance.) This is useful for wiring up something that needs to be called or triggered by the application at a later time.

The parameters can be set anytime in the callable object's life cycle, from the time of instantiation via the constructor, via the set/add methods or at the time of calling the object. Parameters passed into the callable object can be callable themselves and will be invoked at the time the parent callable object is called.

Function Callable
use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject('trim', ' Hello World!');
echo $callable->call(); // Outputs 'Hello World!'
Closure Callable
use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject(function ($var) { echo strtoupper($var) . '!';});
$callable->addParameter('hello world');
echo $callable->call(); // Outputs 'HELLO WORLD!'

Here's an alternate way to call by passing the parameter in at the time of the call:

use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject(function ($var) { echo strtoupper($var) . '!';});
echo $callable->call('hello world'); // Outputs 'HELLO WORLD!'
Static Method Callable
use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject('MyClass::someMethod');
echo $callable->call(); // Executes the static 'someMethod()' from class 'MyClass'
Instance Method Callable
use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

$callable = new CallableObject('MyClass->someMethod');
echo $callable->call(); // Executes the 'someMethod()' in an instance of 'MyClass'
Constructor Callable
use Pop\Utils\CallableObject;

class MyClass

    protected $str = null;

    public function __construct($str)
        $this->str = $str;

    public function printString()
        echo $this->str;


// Creates an instance of 'MyClass' with the string 'Hello World' passed into the constructor
$callable = new CallableObject('MyClass', 'Hello World');
$myInstance = $callable->call();


DateTime Object

The Pop\Utils\DateTime class extend the native DateTime class and adds some helper functions:

  • Add HH:MM:SS formatted times together for a total time in the HH:MM:SS format.
  • Average HH:MM:SS formatted times together for an average time in the HH:MM:SS format.
  • Get the dates of any week in any year.
use Pop\Utils\DateTime;

$times = ['08:45:18', '15:13:58', '09:05:09'];

$totalTime = Pop\Utils\DateTime::getTotal($times, '%H:%I:%S');
echo $totalTime . PHP_EOL; // 33:04:25

$averageTime = Pop\Utils\DateTime::getAverage($times, '%H:%I:%S');
echo $averageTime . PHP_EOL; // 11:01:28

$weekDates = DateTime::getWeekDates(40, 2023, 'Y-m-d'); // 40th week of the year 2023

    [0] => 2023-10-01
    [1] => 2023-10-02
    [2] => 2023-10-03
    [3] => 2023-10-04
    [4] => 2023-10-05
    [5] => 2023-10-06
    [6] => 2023-10-07


File Helper

The Pop\Utils\File class get quickly parse and return information about a file, including the mime type for common file types

use Pop\Utils\File

$file = new File(__DIR__ . '/tmp/test.txt');

echo $file->getBasename());  // 'test.txt'
echo $file->getFilename());  // 'test'
echo $file->getExtension()); // 'txt'
echo $file->getMimeType());  // 'text/plain'
echo $file->getPath());      // __DIR__ . '/tmp
echo $file->getSize());      // 13

You can quickly get just the mime type of a file like this:

use Pop\Utils\File

echo File::getFileMimeType(__DIR__ . '/tmp/image.jpg'); // 'image/jpeg'


String Helper

The Pop\Utils\Str class has a number of static methods to assist in manipulating and generating strings.

use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::createSlug('Hello World | Home Page'); // hello-world-home-page
use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::createLinks('Test Email test@test.com and Test Website http://www.test.com/');
Test Email <a href="mailto:test@test.com">test@test.com</a> and
Test Website <href="http://www.test.com/">http://www.test.com/</a>
Random Strings
use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::createRandom(10);                         // 5.u9MHw{PC
echo Str::createRandomAlpha(10, Str::LOWERCASE);    // wvjvvsmnjw
echo Str::createRandomAlphaNum(10, Str::UPPERCASE); // 6S73HQ629R
echo Str::createRandomAlphaNum(10, Str::MIXEDCASE); // Yfd35M3T92
Convert Case

The convert case feature allows for the following case and string format types:

  • TitleCase
  • camelCase
  • kebab-case (dash)
  • snake_case (underscore)
  • Name\Space
  • folder/path
  • url/path (uri)

And can be utilized via a variety of dynamic static method calls:

use Pop\Utils\Str;

echo Str::titleCaseToKebabCase('TitleCase');         // title-case
echo Str::titleCaseToSnakeCase('TitleCase');         // title_case
echo Str::camelCaseToDash('camelCase');              // camel-case
echo Str::camelCaseToUnderscore('camelCase');        // camel_case
echo Str::kebabCaseToTitleCase('kebab-string');      // KebabString
echo Str::snakeCaseToCamelCase('snake_case_string'); // SnakeCaseString
echo Str::snakeCaseToNamespace('snake_case_string'); // Snake\Case\String
echo Str::kebabCaseToPath('kebab-string');           // kebab/string (kebab\string on Windows)
echo Str::camelCaseToUrl('camelCase');               // camel/case


Array Helper

The Pop\Utils\Arr class has a number of static methods to assist in manipulating arrays:

  • Arr::isArray(mixed $value): bool
  • Arr::isNumeric(array $array): bool
  • Arr::isAssoc(array $array): bool
  • Arr::exists(array|ArrayAccess $array, string|int $key): bool
  • Arr::key(array|AbstractArray $array, string|int $value, bool $strict = false): mixed
  • Arr::collapse(array|AbstractArray $array): array
  • Arr::flatten(array|AbstractArray $array, int|float $depth = INF): array
  • Arr::divide(array|AbstractArray $array): array
  • Arr::slice(array|AbstractArray $array, int $limit, int $offset = 0): array
  • Arr::split(string $string, string $separator, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): array
  • Arr::join(array|AbstractArray $array, string $glue, string $finalGlue = ''): string
  • Arr::prepend(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $value, mixed $key = null): array
  • Arr::pull(array &$array, mixed $key): mixed
  • Arr::sort(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR, bool $assoc = true, bool $descending = false): array
  • Arr::sortDesc(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR, bool $assoc = true): array
  • Arr::ksort(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR, bool $descending = false): array
  • Arr::ksortDesc(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR): array
  • Arr::usort(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $callback, bool $assoc = true): array
  • Arr::uksort(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $callback): array
  • Arr::map(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $callback): array
  • Arr::trim(array|AbstractArray $array): array
  • Arr::filter(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $callback = null, int $mode = ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH): array
  • Arr::make(mixed $value): array


Helper Functions

There is a set of "helper" functions to assist with quick manipulation of data like strings, arrays, and dates. The functions themselves can be loaded manually by including the functions.php file in this repository, or they can be loaded using the Pop\Utils\Helper class functions:

use Pop\Utils\Helper;

if (!Helper::isLoaded()) {

The above is automatically executed in a Pop\Application object's bootstrap method, unless it is disabled by the config setting of 'helper_functions' => false.

The included functions are:

  • app_date(string $format, ?int $timestamp = null, string $env = 'APP_TIMEZONE', mixed $envDefault = null): string|null
  • str_slug(string $string, string $separator = '-'): string
  • str_random(int $length, int $case = Str::MIXEDCASE): string
  • str_random_alpha(int $length, int $case = Str::MIXEDCASE): string
  • str_random_num(int $length): string
  • str_random_alphanum(int $length, int $case = Str::MIXEDCASE): string
  • str_from_camel(string $string, ?string $separator = '-', bool $preserveCase = false): string
  • str_to_camel(string $string): string
  • str_title_case(string $string): string
  • str_snake_case(string $string, bool $preserveCase = false): string
  • str_kebab_case(string $string, bool $preserveCase = false): string
  • array_collapse(array|AbstractArray $array): array
  • array_flatten(array|AbstractArray $array, int|float $depth = INF): array
  • array_divide(array|AbstractArray $array): array
  • array_join(array|AbstractArray $array, string $glue, string $finalGlue = ''): string
  • array_prepend(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $value, mixed $key = null): array
  • array_pull(array &$array, mixed $key): mixed
  • array_sort(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR, bool $assoc = true, bool $descending = false): array
  • array_sort_desc(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR, bool $assoc = true): array
  • array_ksort(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR, bool $descending = false): array
  • array_ksort_desc(array|AbstractArray $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR): array
  • array_usort(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $callback, bool $assoc = true): array
  • array_uksort(array|AbstractArray $array, mixed $callback): array
  • array_make(mixed $value): array