
ZF module manager which extend possibility of ZfcDatagrid

0.0.1 2018-05-25 15:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 03:04:46 UTC


Welcome to the official ZfcDataGrid documentation. This documentation will help you to quickly understand how to use ZfcDataGrid.

If you are looking for some information that is not listed in the documentation, please open an issue!

ZF DataGrid Plugin Module based on ZfcDatagrid and is a kind of superstructure. Its main goal to reduce using complexity and improve code readability.

This module register new data_grid_plugins global config key and add ColumnFactory.

Working principle is using ZF2 way like Zend\Form which use array configuration for create form elements.

Important! DataGridPluginManager set $shareByDefault = false, this allow avoid redundant classes declaration in configuration.


Register Plugin. For this move content of vendor/popovserhii/zfc-data-grid-plugin/config/application.config.php.sample in global config/application.config.php

In general you create new Grid class which will be response for concrete Grid in your ecosystem.

namespace Popov\Invoice\Block\Grid;

use Popov\ZfcDataGrid\Block\AbstractGrid;

class InquiryGrid extends AbstractGrid
    public function init()
        $grid = $this->getDataGrid();
        // native configuration
        #$colId = new Column\Select('id', 'invoice');
        // array configuration
        $colId = $this->add([
            'name' => 'Select',
            'construct' => ['id', 'invoice'],
            'identity' => true,
        // native configuration
        #$col = new Column\Select('code', 'invoice');
        #$col->setLabel('Invoice code');
        // array configuration
            'name' => 'Select',
            'construct' => ['code', 'invoice'],
            'label' => 'Код инвойса',
            'identity' => false,
        // native configuration
        #$colType = new Type\DateTime();
        #$col = new Column\Select('createdAt', 'invoice');
        #$col->setLabel('Date Create');
        // array configuration
            'name' => 'Select',
            'construct' => ['createdAt', 'invoice'],
            'label' => 'Date Create',
            'translation_enabled' => true,
            'width' => 2,
            'type' => ['name' => 'DateTime'],
        // native configuration
        #$col = new Column\Select('name', 'contractor');
        // array configuration
            'name' => 'Select',
            'construct' => ['name', 'contractor'],
            'label' => 'Contractor',
            'width' => 3,
            'user_sort_disabled' => true,
            'user_filter_disabled' => true,
        // native configuration
        #$bg = new Style\BackgroundColor([224, 226, 229]);
        #$fmtr = new Column\Formatter\Link();
        #$fmtr->setAttribute('class', 'pencil-edit-icon');
        #$fmtr->setLink('/invoice/view/' . $fmtr->getColumnValuePlaceholder($colId));
        #$actions = new Column\Action('edit');
        #$actions->setLabel(' ');
        // array configuration
            'name' => 'Action',
            'construct' => ['edit'],
            'label' => ' ',
            'width' => 1,
            'styles' => [
                    'name' => 'BackgroundColor',
                    'construct' => [[224, 226, 229]],
            'formatters' => [
                    'name' => 'Link',
                    'attributes' => ['class' => 'pencil-edit-icon'],
                    // next two line are identical
                    //'link' => ['href' => '/invoice/view/%s', 'placeholder_column' => 'invoice_id'],
                    'link' => ['href' => '/invoice/view/%s', 'placeholder_column' => $colId], // special config
        $formatter = <<<FORMATTER_JS
      function (value, options, rowObject) {
        return '<div class="input-btn-group">'
        	+ '<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs barcode-print" title="{$this->__('Print Bar code')}">' + value + '</button>'
          + '</div>';
        // native configuration
        #$formatterLink = new Formatter\Barcode();
        #$formatterLink->setAttribute('class', 'barcode-icon');
        #$actions = new Column\Action('barcode');
        #$actions->setLabel(' ');
        #$actions->setRendererParameter('formatter', $formatterJs, 'jqGrid');
        // array configuration
            'name' => 'Action',
            'construct' => ['barcode'],
            'label' => ' ',
            'translation_enabled' => true,
            'width' => 1,
            'renderer_parameter' => ['formatter', $formatter, 'jqGrid'],
            'formatters' => [
                    'name' => 'Barcode',
                    'source_attr' => 'data-barcode',
                    //'placeholder_column' => $grid->getColumnByUniqueId('product_id'),
                    'attributes' => [
                        'class' => 'barcode-icon',


Columns Introduction

The column definition is a central part of ZfcDataGrid, they are used to tell the grid what columns to display and how to display them.

Column Types


A minimal column definition looks like this:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Name',

Sometimes we need use built-in database functions for aggregate result. For this purpose we need give \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression or \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func as argument to Select column.

	'name' => 'Select',
	'construct' => [new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select("GROUP_CONCAT(serial.number)"), 'serial_all'], // Doctrine usage
	// or 
	'construct' => [new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func('GROUP_CONCAT', ['serial.number']), 'serial_all'], // Doctrine usage
	'label' => 'Serial Number',

Advanced Usage
Doctrine DOES NOT support expression below and throw Exception [Syntax Error] line 0, col 218: Error: Unexpected 'NULL':

	'name' => 'Select',
	// @see https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/5801
	'construct' => [new Expr\Func('GROUP_CONCAT', ['CASE WHEN serial.cartItem > 0 THEN serial.number ELSE NULL END']), 'serial_id'],

Insteat of example above you can use NULLIF operator (which is supported):

   'name' => 'Select',
   'construct' => [new Expr\Select('GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN serial.cartItem > 0 THEN serial.number ELSE NULLIF(1,1) END)'), 'serial_id'],

Notice: Some functions like GROUP_CONCAT is represented only in one database so Doctrine don't support it by default so you need include relative package to you project.

	'name' => 'Select',
	'construct' => [new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression ('GROUP_CONCAT(serial.number)'), 'serial_all'],
	'label' => 'Serial number',

Column Data Types


The Number (original: Type\Number) column data types is used to format numbers using the PHP NumberFormatter, and so you can use the NumberFormatter properties in this data type, to do so you create a Number object which can takes the following parameters in order:

  • Format Style: default NumberFormatter::DECIMAL
  • Format Type: default NumberFormatter::TYPE_DEFAULT
  • Locale: Default Locale::getDefault()

You can also do the following for this type:

  • 'type' => ['prefix' => 'prefix']
  • 'type' => ['suffix' => 'suffix']
  • 'type' => ['attribute' => ['attrName', 'attrValue']]

A usage Example of this column data type is the following:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['weight', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Weight',
    'type' => [
        'name' => 'Number',
        'attribute' => [\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 2],
        'suffix' => ' kg'

Column Data Styles


The Align is used to change text direction of rows or columns of the grid, to create the Align do the following:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['price', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Asin',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'Align',
        'construct' => ['right'],


    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['price', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Asin',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'Align',
        'construct' => [\ZfcDatagrid\Column\Style\Align::$RIGHT],

If you set column type as Number the text direction automatically will be changed to right

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['price', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Asin',
    'type' => [
        'name' => 'Number'


The BackgroundColor is used to change background color of rows or columns of the grid, to create a BackgroundColor do the following:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['temperature', 'planet'],
    'label' => 'Temperature',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'BackgroundColor',
        'constuct' => [200, 200, 200]

where the parameters are the color red green blue values.

To see how to apply style on rows or columns see the [Applying Style](#Applying Style) section.


The Bold style simply make the text bold, you can create a bold style like this:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Name',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'Bold'

To see how to apply style on rows or columns see the [Applying Style](#Applying Style) section.


The Color is used to change the color of rows or columns of the grid, to create a Color do the following::

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Name',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'Color',
        'consturct' => [200, 200, 200]

where the parameters are the color red green blue values.

To see how to apply style on rows or columns see the [Applying Style](#Applying Style) section.


The Italic style simply make the text italic, you can create an Italic style like this:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Name',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'Italic'

where the parameters are the color red green blue values.

To see how to apply style on rows or columns see the [Applying Style](#Applying Style) section.


The Strikethrough style simply make the text strikethrough, you can create a bold style like this:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Name',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'Strikethrough'

To see how to apply style on rows or columns see the [Applying Style](#Applying Style) section.


The CSSClass is used to set additional classes attribute of rows or cells of the grid, to create a CSSClass do the following::

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Name',
    'styles' => [[
        'name' => 'CSSClass',
        'class' => ['text-upper', 'product-name']

Applying Style

  • Apply only when the value of the column :product_price: = 50
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['price', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Price',
    'styles' => [
            'name' => 'Color',
            'construct' => [\ZfcDatagrid\Column\Style\Color::$RED],
            'byValue' => [[':product_price:', 50, \ZfcDatagrid\Filter::EQUAL]]

You can add multiple conditions for the style using ByValue, and you can set the operator between the multiple conditions to be 'OR' or 'AND' like the following:

  • Apply only when the value of the column ':product_price:' between 20 and 40 (inclusive)
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['price', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Price',
    'styles' => [
            'name' => 'Color',
            'construct' => [\ZfcDatagrid\Column\Style\Color::$RED],
            'byValueOperator' => 'AND',
            'byValue' => [
                [':product_price:', 20, \ZfcDatagrid\Filter::GREATER_EQUAL],
                [':product_price:', 40, \ZfcDatagrid\Filter::LESS_EQUAL]
  • Apply only when the value of the column ':order_quantity:' is greater or equal than the value of the column ':product_stock:'
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['quantity', 'order'],
    'label' => 'Price',
    'styles' => [
            'name' => 'Color',
            'construct' => [\ZfcDatagrid\Column\Style\Color::$GREEN],
            'byValue' => [[':order_quantity:', ':product_stock:', \ZfcDatagrid\Filter::LESS_EQUAL]]

Notice. This functionality is not full tested!

Column Data Formatters


The Link formatters displays a column content as an HTML link with value and href is the column content, to use it do the following:

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['asin', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Asin',
    'formatters' => [[
        'name' => 'Link',
        'link' => ['href' => '//www.amazon.de/dp/%s', 'placeholder_column' => 'product_asin']

You also can pass Column object as 'placeholder_column'

$colId = $this->add([
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['id', 'product'],
    'identity' => true,
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['asin', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Asin',
    'formatters' => [[
        'name' => 'Link',
        'link' => ['href' => '//www.amazon.de/dp/%s', 'placeholder_column' => $colId]

The link formatter also support multiple placeholders for build url

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['asin', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Asin',
    'formatters' => [[
        'name' => 'Link',
        'link' => ['href' => '//%s/dp/%s', 'placeholder_column' => ['marketplace_host', 'product_asin']]


Inline Formatter allow to show text in one line. This will be replace all <br>, \n and some other filtration for full compatibility with jqGrid.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['description', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Description',
    'formatters' => [[
        'name' => 'Inline',


ExternalLink Formatter allow use full URL without inner rawurlencode preparation.

Preference is given to Link Formatter. Use in extreme cases.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['url', 'customer'],
    'label' => 'Customer Url',
    'hidden' => true
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['name', 'customer'],
    'label' => 'Customer Name',
    'formatters' => [[
        'name' => 'ExternalLink',
        'link' => ['href' => '%s', 'placeholder_column' => 'customer_url']

DropDown in search panel


Just put array with options to filter_select_options. Be carefully options are doubled wrapped with array.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['accepted', 'question'],
    'label' => 'Accepted',
    'width' => 1,
    'filter_select_options' => [[
        0 => 'No',
        1 => 'Yes'


filter_select_options config is based on DoctrineModule for Zend\Form (some options need implementation).

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['value', 'handbook'],
    'label' => 'MarketOrder Type',
    'filter_select_options' => [
        'options' => [
            'object_manager' => $this->getObjectManager(),
            'target_class' => Handbook::class,
            'identifier' => 'value',
            'property' => 'value',
            'is_method' => true,
            'find_method' => [
                'name' => 'findAllByTypeId',
                'params' => [
                    'type' => 'purposeBid',
                    'field' => 'type'

DropDown in Edit Record


It's similar to filter_select_options. column_select_options adds dropdown with selected data to Edit Record form.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['value', 'handbook'],
    'label' => 'MarketOrder Type',
    'column_select_options' => [
        'options' => [
            'object_manager' => $this->getObjectManager(),
            'target_class' => Handbook::class,
            'identifier' => 'value',
            'property' => 'value',
            'is_method' => true,
            'find_method' => [
                'name' => 'findAllByTypeId',
                'params' => [
                    'type' => 'purposeBid',
                    'field' => 'type'

DatePicker in search panel

At this moment DatePicker require partial settings. You must carefully monitor the date formats.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['createdAt', 'question'],
    'label' => 'Date Create',
    'translation_enabled' => false,
    'width' => 1,
    'filter_default_operation' => Filter::LIKE_RIGHT, // LIKE "2018-03-16%"
    'type' => [
        'name' => 'DateTime',
        //'output_pattern' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        'output_pattern' => 'yyyy-MM-dd',
        'source_dateTime_format' => 'Y-m-d' // this date format will be used in WHERE statment
    'renderer_parameters' => [
        #['editable', true, 'jqGrid'],
        ['formatter', 'date', 'jqGrid'], // it is important for datepicker
        ['formatoptions', ['srcformat' => 'Y-m-d', 'newformat' => 'Y-m-d'], 'jqGrid'],
        ['searchoptions', ['sopt' => ['eq']], 'jqGrid'],

Notice. Intl use default ISO date format (RFC 822). Detailed format explanation you can find in ZF documentation.

Grid Data Sorting

Default grid data sort can be set with sort_default option. ASC sort order will be applied to column position only if any other user filters did not apply before.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['position', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Position',
    'sort_default' => [1, 'ASC']

Also several default sort orders can be set, simply apply sort_default to relative columns

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['inStock', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Position',
    'sort_default' => [1, 'DESC']
    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['position', 'product'],
    'label' => 'Position',
    'sort_default' => [2, 'ASC']

Grid Data Filtering

Default grid data sort can be set with filter_default_operation option.

like filter will be applied by default if any other user filters did not apply before.

Notice! There is issue which don't allow apply filter from client side.

    'name' => 'Select',
    'construct' => ['sku', 'product'],
    'label' => 'SKU',
    'filter_default_operation' => \ZfcDatagrid\Filter::EQUAL


Buttons Introduction

Custom buttons for ZfcDataGrid.

Column Chooser

Object notation:

$button = new ColumnChooserButton();
        $button->setTitle('Choose columns');
                'width' => 500,
                'height' => 300,

Config notation:

            'name' => 'ColumnChooser',
            'title' => 'Choose columns',
            'caption' => 'Choose',
            'options' => [
                    'width' => 500,
                    'height' => 300,