
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.0.4) of this package.

0.0.4 2018-10-16 07:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 17:51:57 UTC



 * @action-title title
 * @access-auth auth_name
 * @access-auth-class \namespace\auth_class_name
 * @access-auth-auto-by-action true
 * @require-auth auth_name1
 * @require-auth auth_name2
 * @require-auth-class \namespace\auth_name3_class_name
 * @doc-enable true
 * @doc-title doc_title
 * @doc-type post
 * @doc-param name=param_name type=string desc=description required=true in=formData
 * @doc-return path=data.list[] name=data_name desc=description
 * @doc-tag test
 * @doc-delete true
class ActionClass extends \Popo1h\PhaadminCore\Action
    public static function getName()
        return action_name;
    public function doAction()
        //TODO do action
        $postParamA = $this->request->getPostDataByName('a');
        return (new \Popo1h\PhaadminCore\Response\CommonResponse('content:' . $postParamA);


comment-name description
action-title action的标题
access-auth 访问action前需验证的权限名称, null为不验证 (access-auth类指定一种)(优先级1)
access-auth-class 访问action前需验证的权限完整类名称, null为不验证 (access-auth类指定一种)(优先级2)
access-auth-auto-by-action 值为true, 访问action前需验证的权限根据action自动生成 (access-auth类指定一种)(优先级3)
require-auth 可配置多条, action使用到的额外权限 (doAction中使用checkAuth方法判断用户是否有该权限
require-auth-class 可配置多条, action使用到的额外权限完整类名称 (doAction中使用checkAuth方法判断用户是否有该权限
doc-enable 值为true, 生成接口文档
doc-title 接口标题, 不填则使用action-title
doc-type 接口类型(生成文档用), post或get
doc-consume 接口文档参数类型, 如:application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
doc-param 接口参数信息(生成文档用), 配置为name=value的形式, 空格隔开
doc-return 接口返回信息(生成文档用), 配置为name=value的形式, 空格隔开
doc-tag 接口标签
doc-delete 值为true, 接口加删除线


name description
name 参数名称(必填)
type 参数类型, [integer, string, number, file:文件对象]
desc 参数简介
required 是否必填, [true, false]
in 参数请求方式, 固定值formData, [formData:表单项]


name description
path 结果路径, 用.分隔, 其中[]结尾代表对应字段为数组格式, 如data.list[].obj代表的是{ data: { list: [ { obj: {这个位置} } ] }
name 参数名称(必填)
type 参数类型, [integer, string, number, object, array]
desc 参数简介