
v1.0.2 2020-12-15 06:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 10:34:18 UTC



You can install the package via composer:

composer require Pollyanna/elasticsearch

Please install if you want to use the latest version dev-master


Non-Laravel framework

// select config path
$config = require 'search.php';
$builder = Factory::builder($config);

If you'd like to make configuration changes in the configuration file you can pubish it with the following Aritsan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pollyanna\ElasticSearch\LaravelServiceProvider"

## Quickstart

### Create

    'key' => 'value'

// return a collection
    'key' => 'value'


    'key' => 'value1'




$builder = $builder->index('index')->type('type');
//SQL:select ... where id = 1 limit 1;
$result = $builder->whereTerm('id',1)->first();

//SQL:select ... where (key=1 or key=2) and key1=1
$result = $builder->where(function (Query $inQuery) {


skip / take

$builder->take(10)->get(); // or limit(10)
$builder->offset(10)->take(10)->get(); // or skip(10)

term query


match query


range query


where in query


logic query


nested query

$result = $builder->where(function (Builder $inQuery) {

Available conditions

public function select($columns): self
public function where($column, $operator = null, $value = null, $leaf = 'term', $boolean = 'and'): self
public function orWhere($field, $operator = null, $value = null, $leaf = 'term'): self
public function whereMatch($field, $value, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function orWhereMatch($field, $value, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function whereTerm($field, $value, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function whereIn($field, array $value)
public function orWhereIn($field, array $value)
public function orWhereTerm($field, $value, $boolean = 'or'): self
public function whereRange($field, $operator = null, $value = null, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function orWhereRange($field, $operator = null, $value = null): self
public function whereBetween($field, array $values, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function whereNotBetween($field, array $values): self
public function orWhereNotBetween(string $field, array $values): self
public function whereExists($field, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function whereNotExists($field, $boolean = 'and'): self
public function orWhereBetween($field, array $values): self
public function whereGeo($field,$distance,$lat,$lng,$boolean='and'):self
public function orderBy(string $field, $sort): self
public function scroll(string $scroll): self
public function aggBy($field, $type): self
public function select($columns): self

Result Method

public function get(): Collection
public function paginate(int $page, int $perPage = 15): Collection
public function first()
public function byId($id)
public function byIdOrFail($id): stdClass
public function chunk(callable $callback, $limit = 2000, $scroll = '10m')
public function create(array $data, $id = null, $key = 'id'): stdClass
public function update($id, array $data): bool
public function delete($id)
public function count(): int


//open log

//all query log

//last query log

Elastisearch object

getElasticSearch() // or search()

If you want to expand more, you can use this method, call https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-php


MIT license