pocketmine/pocketmine-mp Security Advisories for 3.22.4 (18)
[MEDIUM] PocketMine-MP allows malicious client data to waste server resources due to lack of limits for explode()
PKSA-1y47-vhgh-zq2y GHSA-g274-c6jj-h78p
Affected version: <5.25.2
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP server crash with certain invalid JSON payloads in `LoginPacket` due to dependency vulnerability (3rd time)
PKSA-7cft-g1hs-ddc8 GHSA-h6j3-j35f-v2x7
Affected version: <5.11.1
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP BookEditPacket crash when inventory slot in the packet is invalid
PKSA-krv9-c6mg-smc2 GHSA-xc7j-wj36-qjfr
Affected version: <5.11.2
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP server crash with certain invalid JSON payloads in `LoginPacket` due to dependency vulnerability (again)
PKSA-nv2r-zxzd-wzsw GHSA-92jh-gwch-jq38
Affected version: <=4.23.0|>=5.0.0,<=5.3.0
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP vulnerable to improperly checked dropped item count leading to server crash
PKSA-rjb4-mbc7-gvrq GHSA-h87r-f4vc-mchv
Affected version: <4.18.1
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP vulnerable to server crash with certain invalid JSON payloads in `LoginPacket` due to vulnerable dependency
PKSA-mdrw-7xfy-3575 GHSA-pqp3-8rrw-g8vm
Affected version: >=4.21.0,<4.21.1|<4.20.5
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] PocketMine MP vulnerable to uncontrolled resource consumption via mismatched type of 'InventoryTransactionPacket'
PKSA-3mjs-tbmc-n317 GHSA-42qm-8v8m-m78c
Affected version: <4.18.0-ALPHA2
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] PocketMine-MP vulnerable to denial-of-service by sending large modal form responses
PKSA-6mdv-sgnk-4jgv GHSA-7m9r-rq9j-wmmh
Affected version: <4.12.5
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP has improperly handled dye colour IDs in banner NBT, leading to server crash
PKSA-dy8b-jxh6-kdd2 GHSA-wqqv-jcfr-9f5g
Affected version: <4.8.1
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] PocketMine-MP invalid skin geometry JSON data leading to server crash
PKSA-g2v4-vgph-zkgr GHSA-8cwq-4cmf-px73
Affected version: <4.7.2
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] Denial-of-service vulnerability processing large chat messages containing many newlines
PKSA-kq9f-6mzv-9z4b GHSA-gj94-v4p9-w672
Affected version: <4.2.10
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] Insufficient type validation in pocketmine/pocketmine-mp
PKSA-8sgq-z2gv-62hz GHSA-g5rr-p69h-7v3g
Affected version: <4.2.9
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] Improperly checked metadata on tools/armour itemstacks received from the client
PKSA-7kfz-3qgv-gptj GHSA-46c5-pfj8-fv65
Affected version: <4.2.4
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] Impersonation of other users (passing XBOX Live authentication) by theft of logins in PocketMine-MP
PKSA-6y7g-ysy5-mk9f GHSA-h79x-98r2-g6qc
Affected version: >=3.0.0,<4.0.0
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] Unchecked validity of Facing values in PlayerActionPacket
PKSA-x9kw-xss7-ydqj GHSA-xh99-hw7h-wf63
Affected version: <4.0.6
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] Uncapped length of skin data fields submitted by players
PKSA-kbjw-qcz9-hw4r GHSA-c6fg-99pr-25m9
Affected version: >=4.0.0,<4.0.5|<3.26.5
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] Book page text, count, and author/title length is not limited in PocketMine-MP
PKSA-cqgn-qh62-vy4g GHSA-p62j-hrxm-xcxf
Affected version: >=4.0.0,<4.0.5|<3.26.5
Reported by:
GitHub -
[LOW] Inability to de-op players if listed in ops.txt with non-lowercase letters
PKSA-j497-g66n-z3zj GHSA-j5qg-w9jg-3wg3
Affected version: <4.0.3
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