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Ajax-querable resource for Laravel

0.2.1 2022-12-06 20:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 01:34:47 UTC


A Laravel class that helps querying(paging and filtering) and returning Eloquent resources from Ajax.

Supports Laravel 5.5 Resources.


Install it throught composer composer require plokko/querable-resource

Quick start

First of all you need to extend the Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource class implementing the getQuery method that returns the base query:

 class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
      protected function getQuery(): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
          return App\User::where('id','>',1); // Just a simple query to demonstrate functionality

Next we're going to instantiate it and return it to the request

    $qr = new TestQuerableResource();
    return $qr;

The page should return a basic resource with all the results


To enable pagination edit the $paginate protected propriety or via the pagination() method setting it to the wanted page size or to null to disable it.

class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
        $paginate = 30,//30 items per page
         * Allowed client-defined paginations,
         *      if null no client pagination is allowed
         *      if int set the maxium page size allowed
         *      if array only the page sizes listed in the array are allowed
         * @var int|array|null
        $paginations = 100;
      protected function getQuery(): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
          return App\User::where('id','>',1); // Just a simple query to demonstrate functionality

The propriety $paginations specify the user-selectable available values, if the value is null only $paginate user values will be discarted in favor of $paginate, if an int value is specified it will be set as the maxium value (in this case the user could select pagination up to 100 with default of 30 items per page); if an array (of integers) is specified the user value must be contained in the array or $paginate value will be used (ex. [10,20,30,50] )

    $qr = new TestQuerableResource();
    $qr->paginate(10); // Set pagination to 10 items per page
    return $qr;

Filtering results

To filter results extend the protected propriety $filteredFields specifying what fields you want to filter

class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
        $filteredFields = ['name','email']; // enable filtering for name and email columns
      protected function getQuery(): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
          return App\User::where('id','>',1); // Just a simple query to demonstrate functionality

You do not need to pass anything to the resource, the filtering is automatic and transparent.

    $qr = new TestQuerableResource();
    return $qr;

By default the comparison is done with the LIKE 'value%'; for example the page /test?name=a will search all the user with a name starting with 'a'.


If you want to use a query parameter different from the field you can specify the alias as key for the field:

class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
        $filteredFields = [
		'n' => 'name', // query parameter n to field name
		'mail' => 'email', // query parameter mail to field email

Advanced filtering options

Instead of the field name you can specify an array of filtering options like

  • field - string (required) - corresponding field name, required
  • type - string - type of comparaison (ex. '=','like','>','>=',...)
class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
        $filteredFields = [
		'n' => [ //an can be used
			'field'=>'email', // If no alias is specified field will be used as query parameter
			//comparaison type is optional

Changing query field name

If you want to group all filtering field in an input group, for example filter[filed_name], you need to edit the protected propriety $filterQueryParameter

class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
        $filteredFields = ['name','email'], // enable filtering for name and email columns
      protected function getQuery(): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
          return App\User::where('id','>',1); // Just a simple query to demonstrate functionality

The url of the last example will now be /test?filter[name]=a

Define filtering rules

Custom filtering function

If your query needs a more fine-tuning you can override the default filter function and specify your custom filtering function:

class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
	// No need to specify $filteredFields, we're using a custom filtering function

	//Override the default filtering function
    protected function filter(Builder &$query,array $filterValues){
			$query->where('name','LIKE','%'.$filterValues['name'].'%');//apply your filtering

	protected function getQuery(): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
		return App\User::where('id','>',1); // Just a simple query to demonstrate functionality

Don't worry, pagination and query field name will also be automatically applied to your filtering, no need to implement them!

Returning custom resource

If you want to filter the results with a custom resource you can do it by simply specifying the name of your Resource class in the protected field $useResource:

class TestQuerableResource extends \Plokko\QuerableResource\QuerableResource {
   $useResource = \App\Http\Resources\UserResource::class;
  protected function getQuery(): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
	  return App\User::where('id','>',1); // Just a simple query to demonstrate functionality

The class will now return the specified resource (as a collection); for further detail on resources see Laravel 5.5 API resources doc.

Javascript integration

This plugin contains some Javascript assets to help integrate with the php counterpart.

This plugin includes two main helper:

  • ResourceQuery For building an Ajax request to the php plugin counterpart
  • QuerableResult Wrapper of ResourceQuery that returns a querable result instead of a query, usefull especially in Vue.js applications
// Import from the /vendor folder, this path is related to /resources/assets/js/components/ 
// Import QuerableResult and ResourceQuery (optional)
import QuerableResult,{ResourceQuery} from "../../../../vendor/plokko/querable-resource/assets/js/QuerableResult";
// Or just ResourceQuery
//import ResourceQuery from "../../../../vendor/plokko/querable-resource/assets/js/ResourceQuery";