
Authentication Plugin for Pletfix

dev-master 2017-10-27 14:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 05:21:09 UTC


About This

This plugin provides forms that allow the user to register via Double opt-in process and to log in. The user can also reset or change their password. In addition, the plugin provides the "remember-me" functionality.

Furthermore, the plugin contains a simple administration frontend to manage the user accounts.

It assumes that the default user model from the Pletfix Application Skeleton is used to store the user attributes.


Fetch the package by running the following terminal command under the application's directory:

composer require pletfix/auth-plugin

After downloading, enter this command in your terminal to register the plugin:

php console plugin pletfix/auth-plugin

Execute the migrate command to create a password_resetsdatabase table:

php console migrate



If you would like to modified the views of the plugin, create a folder auth under the view directory of the application, and copy the views there. Here you can edit the views as you like:

mkdir ./resources/views/auth 
cp -R ./vendor/pletfix/auth-plugin/views/* ./resources/views/

If you have installed the Pletfix Application Skeleton, you could add the necessary menu items ("login", "logout", "register" and so on) by including the partial _nav in your resources/views/app.blade.php layout just above the marker {{--menu_point--}}:



Add the manage-userability to the Access Control List in config/auth.php to control the access to the user management frontend:

'acl' => [
    'manage-user' => ['admin'],


If you don't use the manage-userability, or if you like to use another route paths, copy the route entries from ./vendor/pletfix/auth-plugin/boot/routes.php into the application's routing file ./boot/routes.php, where you can modify them as you wish:

// Registration Routes
$route->get('auth/register',          'RegistrationController@showForm');
$route->post('auth/register',         'RegistrationController@register');
$route->get('auth/register/{token}',  'RegistrationController@confirm');
$route->get('auth/register/resend',   'RegistrationController@resend', 'Auth');

// Authentication Routes
$route->get('auth/login',             'LoginController@showForm');
$route->post('auth/login',            'LoginController@login');
$route->post('auth/logout',           'LoginController@logout', 'Auth');

// Password Reset Routes
$route->get('auth/reset',             'PasswordResetController@showForgotForm');
$route->post('auth/reset/send',       'PasswordResetController@send');
$route->get('auth/reset/{token}',     'PasswordResetController@showResetForm');
$route->post('auth/reset',            'PasswordResetController@reset');

// Password Change Routes
$route->middleware('Auth', function(Route $route) {
    $route->get('auth/password',      'PasswordChangeController@showForm');
    $route->post('auth/password',     'PasswordChangeController@change');

// User Management Routes
$route->middleware('Ability:manage-user', function(Route $route) {
    $route->get('auth/users/{user}/replicate', 'UserManagerController@replicate');
    $route->get('auth/users/{user}/confirm',   'UserManagerController@confirm');
    $route->resource('auth/users',             'UserManagerController');

Basic Authentication

As an alternative to the default login form you can use HTML Basic Authentication. In this case the action method LoginController@basicAuth must be called instead of LoginController@showForm if the login route is requested. To do this, add the following route entry into ./boot/routes. php:

$route->get('auth/login', 'LoginController@basicAuth');

Of course, you can also create a new route so that the previous login form is still accessible:

$route->get('auth/basic', 'LoginController@basicAuth');



Enter the following URL into your Browser to open the registration form:


Registration Form

After the user submitted the form, a new entity is saved into the user model (with a "guest" role) so that the user is log in into the application immediately (but only as a guest).

A mail is sent to the email address the user has entered.

Registration Mail

While the user is logged in, he may resend the mail by entering this URL:


If the user confirms the email, their role is updated to "user" and a confirmation message is printed:

Confirm Registration

Login and Logout

The URLs to login into the application is this:



If the user ticks "remember-me", a long life (5 years) cookie is created on the browser. If the PHP session expires (because has close the browser and opens it later for example), the User will be re-login automaticaly.

Of course, you could logout by entering this URL:


The logout method kill the authentication data and - additional - the "remember-me" cookie if exist.

Reset Password

To reset the password, two forms are needed. Enter this to start the reset process:


Forgot Password

After submit a random token is saved into the password_resets database table and a mail is send to this email address.

Reset Password Mail

If the user confirms the email, the token will be matched and the second form to receive the new password is opened:

Reset Password

Change Password

The user may change their password quickly if already log in:


Change Password

User Management Frontend

Enter the following URL into your Browser to open the user management:


User Management

User Management