
Pluralize any English word. You can also check if word is in plural or singular form.

1.0.0 2019-08-07 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 20:10:45 UTC


Pluralize and Singularize any English word. You can also check if word is in plural or singular form.

Module contains list of irregular and uncountable rules. You can also add your custom rules.


composer require plejus/pluralize



use plejus\PhpPluralize\Inflector;

$inflector = new Inflector();

$output = $inflector->plural("dog");
// output: "dogs"

$output = $inflector->singular("dogs");
// output: "dog"

$output = $inflector->isPlural("dogs");
// output: true

$output = $inflector->isSingular("dogs");
// output: false

$inflector->addIrregularRule('something', 'some things');
$output = $inflector->plural("something");
// output: "some things"

$inflector->addSingularRule('/singles$/i', 'singular');
$output = $inflector->singular("singles");
// output: "singular

Real Life Examples

Group some animal forum tags to help user find content


use plejus\PhpPluralize\Inflector;

$tags      = [
    100 => "dog",
    101 => "parrot",
    102 => "dogs",
    103 => "monkeys",
    104 => "cats",
    105 => "cat",
    106 => "doggies",

$inflector = new Inflector();
$inflector->addSingularRule('/doggies$/i', 'dog');

$groups = [];

foreach ($tags as $id => $tag) {
    $correctTag = $inflector->isSingular($tag)
        ? $tag
        : $inflector->singular($tag);

    if (!array_key_exists($correctTag, $groups)) {
        $groups[$correctTag] = [];

    $groups[$correctTag][] = $id;

 * Output:
 * Array
        [dog] => Array
                [0] => 100
                [1] => 102
                [2] => 106
        [parrot] => Array
                [0] => 101
        [monkey] => Array
                [0] => 103
        [cat] => Array
                [0] => 104
                [1] => 105

Display correct form of word


use plejus\PhpPluralize\Inflector;

$inflector = new Inflector();

for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
    echo "I have $i " . $inflector->pluralize("apple", $i);

*  Output:
*  "I have 1 apple"
*  "I have 2 apples"
*  "I have 3 apples"
