
PHP Library to easy talk to the Addemar API

dev-master 2015-10-13 15:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 19:19:47 UTC


#PHP API Wrapper for Addemar Build Status Build Status

Fully rewritten this old stuff. Is now unittested and contains 3 managers so far.


All correspond with the structure of the addemar documentation here: https://ws-email.addemar.com/docs/current/


Settings are needed to connect to the client. In the constructor you can set your Token. Other parameters are pre-defined but can be updated.

class Settings
	private $token;
	private $version = 1.4;
	private $wsdl = 'https://ws-email.addemar.com/soap/wsdl/';
	private $options = array();


Connection is an extension from the standard SoapClient. You don't need to know much about this component. Just pass your settings and this will give you a working connection.


Managers are just grouping names for functions of a specific catergory. Each manager is contains function that you'll be able to find in the documentation from addemar. You can load a manager by calling the Factory.


use Addemar\Factory\ManagerFactory;
use Addemar\Client\Connection;
use Addemar\Configuration\Settings;

$connection = new Connection(new Settings('Your Token'));
ManagerFactory::create($connection, 'Addemar\Manager\ContactGroupsManager');


List of Functions:


Get structure from contact

return: structure ContactData


Create a new contact

  • ContactData $contact_data: structure: ContactData

return: integer (contact id)

####getContactId($status, $filter, $search_field_id = 1)

Get list of contact ids

  • integer $status: 0=all 1=not unsubscribed 2=unsubscribed
  • string $filter: Text to search on
  • integer $search_field_id: Field id to search on

return: integer array (contact id's)


Get data from contact specified by the contact id

  • integer $cid: Contact id

return: structure ContactData


Get list of field ids

  • string $parameter: Field parameter to search on

return: array (field id's)


Update contact

  • ContactData $contact_data: Structure: ContactData

return: boolean (true=successful, false=unsuccessful)


Remove/delete contact specified by the contact id

  • integer $cid: Contact id

return: boolean (true=successful, false=unsuccessful)

####subscribeContact($cid, $mgid)

Subscribe contact specified by the contact id

  • integer $cid: Contact id
  • integer $mgid: Mailgroup id

return: boolean (true=successful, false=unsuccessful)


List of Functions:


Get list of mailgroup ids

  • string $name: Mailgroup name to search on

return: array (mailgroup id's)


List of Functions:

####sendTriggeredItem(SendItem $senditem)

Send triggered item (Campaign Item exists)

object $senditem: instance of Addemar\Model\SendItem

return: integer (eid)