
Laravel package allows you to use Verotel payment gateway and accept credit cards and other payment methods on your website.

dev-master 2019-05-11 09:19 UTC


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Verotel FlexPay Laravel Package is component for you Laravel application. Package allows you to use Verotel payment gateway and accept credit cards and other payment methods on your website. Now you can, using this SDK, make payment in cryptocurrency on your resource.

Table of Contents


Install the package via composer:

composer require pipisco/laravel-verotel-flexpay


Config file

Before usage Verotel FlexPay component, you should put to the .env configuration files next Verotel credentials

.env variable Verotel description
VEROTEL_FLEXPAY_MERCHANT_ID Merchant ID means yor Verotel ID




Create a subscription order

The "startorder" subscription request is used to redirect buyer to the Verotel Order Page to process subscription with a given amount, duration and currency.

Example method for initial one-time subscription. We're choose only mandatory parameters and use processor() method to the define payment processor automaticly.

     * @param Request $request
     * @return RedirectResponse
     * @throws \Exception
     * @throws \Pipisco\Verotel\FlexPay\FlexPayException
    public function subscribe(Request $request) : RedirectResponse
        $flexpay = new FlexPayClient();
        return redirect($flexpay->processor()->subscription([
            UrlParameter::NAME              => 'Order name',
            UrlParameter::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE => SubscriptionType::ONE_TIME,
            UrlParameter::PRICE_AMOUNT      => 99.99,
            UrlParameter::PRICE_CURRENCY    => Currency::USD,
            UrlParameter::PERIOD            => 'P1M',

Example method for initial recurring subscription.

     * @param Request $request
     * @return RedirectResponse
     * @throws \Exception
     * @throws \Pipisco\Verotel\FlexPay\FlexPayException
    public function subscribe(Request $request) : RedirectResponse
        $flexpay = new FlexPayClient();

        return redirect($flexpay->processor()->subscription([
            UrlParameter::NAME              => 'Order name',
            UrlParameter::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE => SubscriptionType::RECURRING,
            UrlParameter::PRICE_AMOUNT      => 99.99,
            UrlParameter::PRICE_CURRENCY    => Currency::USD,
            UrlParameter::PERIOD            => 'P1M',

Also, you can use supported options parameters, see below table.

Parameter Enum help class Type Required Description
priceAmount UrlParameter::PRICE_AMOUNT

You can use Currency enum class and choose right currency from then:

- Currency::USD
- Currency::EUR
- Currency::GBP
- Currency::AUD
- Currency::CAD
- Currency::CHF
- Currency::DKK
- Currency::NOK
- Currency::SEK
Float mandatory priceAmount amount to be processed in nnn.nn format
priceCurrency UrlParameter::PRICE_CURRENCY String mandatory priceCurrency 3 char ISO code, must be one of the Sale currencies (USD EUR GBP AUD CAD CHF DKK NOK SEK)

NOTE: only EUR is can be used for DDEU payment method system
period UrlParameter::PERIOD String mandatory Duration in ISO8601 format, for example: P30D, minimum is 7 days for recurring and 2 days for on-time
subscriptionType UrlParameter::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE

You can use SubscriptionType enum class and choose subscription type as bellow:
String mandatory NOTE: DDEU and BTC only support one-time
trialAmount UrlParameter::TRIAL_AMOUNT Number optional Amount to be processed in nnn.nn format for the initial trial period, minimum is 2 days
trialPeriod UrlParameter::TRIAL_PERIOD String optional Duration in ISO8601 format, for example: P30D
name UrlParameter::NAME String optional Name of the product. Text is displayed on the order page - max 100 printable characters
paymentMethod UrlParameter::PAYMENT_METHOD

It's a perfect params because yourself choose payment method. For helpful, you can use my PaymentMethod enum class as:
Credit card payment PaymentMethod::CREDIT_CARD
PaymentMethod::BTC to Bitcoin payment
String optional Payment method, CC, DDEU or BTC (if not set then buyers can choose from available payment methods)
NOTE: DDEU is available only in DE, AT, CH, BE, IT, NL, ES and FR
referenceID UrlParameter::REFERENCE_ID String optional Merchant's reference identifier. It must be unique if provided
custom1 UrlParameter::CUSTOM_1 String optional Pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters
custom2 UrlParameter::CUSTOM_2 String optional Pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters
custom3 UrlParameter::CUSTOM_3 String optional Pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters
backURL UrlParameter::BACK_URL String optional URL for redirect after successful transaction - max 255 characters
declineURL UrlParameter::DECLINE_URL String optional URL for redirect after declined transaction - max 255 characters
email UrlParameter::EMAIL String optional Email of the buyer. If not set, it will be collected on the Order Page

Documentation is under construction. Subscribe to me and stay tuned.