
CodeIgniter library that facilitates integration of Symfony2 services into a CodeIgniter application in a compact yet elegant way.

1.0.0 2018-10-24 14:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 08:33:34 UTC


Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

A library that facilitates integration of Symfony services into legacy framework applications in a compact way.

As version 1.0.0 the package is composer-compatible and the code has been decoupled from the CodeIgniter framework.

If you want to use the initial CodeIgniter library, please check the 0.1.0 release.

Some history and the most common scenario

The library was written for a long term support project that had to be integrated with a brand new Symfony2+ application. The business logic is encapsulated within services managed by Symfony2+ dependency injection component and consumed both by the Symfony2+ bundles and some legacy CodeIgniter components.

Where possible, the service methods are taking variables of primitive types as input for convenience.

The output of the methods can be both of primitive types and complex objects as the bridge and the Symfony2+ kernel itself manages the PSR class autoload. The bridge does not create any overhead related to communication and parameter serialization.


CodeIgniter: 2.0 - 3.1+

Symfony: 2.0+, 3.0+, 4.0+


composer install --prefer-dist && ./vendor/bin/phpunit -v

To test in an arbitrary version combination, please use (sudo might be required to connect to the Docker daemon):

PHP_VERSION=7.2 bin/test_in_docker.sh


Getting Symfony2+ service container

$bridge = new \PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Bridge('./symfonyRootDir');
try {
    // \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container
    $container = $bridge->getKernel()->getContainer();
} catch(\PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Exception\KernelInitializationException $e) {
    // Unable to initialize Symfony2+ kernel

More information about Symfony service container and depencency injection:

Consuming a service

$bridge = new \PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Bridge('./symfonyRootDir');
try {
    $result = $bridge->getKernel()->getContainer()->get('my_service')->businessLogicServiceMethod('parameter of a primitive type'));
} catch(\PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Exception\KernelInitializationException $e) {
    // Unable to initialize Symfony2+ kernel

When designing a service, parameters of primitive types are preferred - this creates minimum overhead and makes the service integration easy. The output of the service method can be of any type.

Getting Doctrine2 entity manager

$bridge = new \PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Bridge('./symfonyRootDir');
try {
    $em = $bridge->getKernel()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
} catch(\PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Exception\KernelInitializationException $e) {
    // Unable to initialize Symfony2+ kernel

Getting access to the Doctrine2 entity manager makes you able to get access to the entities and related repositories.

Loading an arbitrary class defined within a Symfony2+ bundle

$bridge = new \PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Bridge('./symfonyRootDir');
try {
    $container = $bridge->getKernel()->getContainer(); // Initializes Symfony2+ PSR class loader
    $imageHelper = new \Pepis\ImageManipulationBundle\Helpers\ImageHelper();
} catch(\PiotrPolak\CodeIgniterSymfonyBridge\Exception\KernelInitializationException $e) {
    // Unable to initialize Symfony2+ kernel


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