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Convert data between geodetic systems: WGS 84, UTM and polish 1992 & 2000

1.0.0 2016-11-20 18:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 05:26:42 UTC


Convert data between geodetic systems: WGS 84, UTM and polish 1992 & 2000

PHP port

This piece of software is a PHP port of an opensource transformation calculations. The original code written in C and it's included in this repo.

I'm aware of code incompleteness (tests missing), somewhat noisy code for core calculations (first cleaning done though) and still C-style class usage (I sticked with the original code architecture for now)... so please do not hesitate to open any pull request.

Also - some descriptions (but not the code itself) are still in Polish but if you know the geodetic systems that shouldn't be a problem.