
App service for loading the config based on environment. Also provides

v1.0.1 2016-06-14 16:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 21:06:00 UTC


Used to load app config, and register the alias and providers, based on environment or custom config by custom usage. In default looks only for local config app_local.php. You can enable loading of config based on the current environment (checks if config exists then loads it). More in AppServiceProvider and AppEnvironmentTrait docs.

You can also load any config file you want at any time you need. Just use a AppServiceConfigLoaderTrait and call:

// class that uses the trait
// load the admin.php file into our app
$this->registerFromConfig("admin", $this->app);


composer require pion/laravel-environment-config

Config structure

The structure of the config is same like basic app config and should be named with app prefix and the name of the environment: app_{environment} The loader supports alias and providers keys.

Name examples

  • app_local.php
  • app_production.php

Example of local with dev tools (require-dev in composer)

return [
    "providers" => [
    "aliases" => [
        'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class


The default implementation that looks for local config only. Uses the AppEnvironmentTrait

Enable environment config load

Extend the register (and set before parent call) or construct method and set $checkOnlyLocalEnvironment property to false.

public function __construct(\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app) {
    $this->checkOnlyLocalEnvironment = false;


It's important that you dont implement register

use Pion\Laravel\EnvironmentConfig\AppServiceProvider as BaseAppServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends BaseAppServiceProvider {



Enables on demand loading of the config with provided the app instance and the name of the config name (without the prefix!). Uses the context of the app ($this->app) in the AppServiceProvider. All methods are protected.

loadAndRegister($checkOnlyLocal = true)

Tries to load the local config or if you pass false as first parametr it will try to load the config based on the current environment.


Registers the desired config (pass only name).


Enables loading custom config files and registers the aliases and providers by providing the config name and the app context. All methods are protected.

registerFromConfig($configName, $app)

Registers the aliases and providers.

registerProviders(array $providers, $app)

Registers the providers array into the app.

registerAliases(array $aliases, $app)

Registers the aliases array into the app.