
Pinoven Routing Component. Manage route as simple as it is.

dev-master 2020-08-31 22:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:16:10 UTC


Pinoven Routing


$ composer require pinoven/routing



The component is provided with a set of interface:

// Describe how you can create router from settings.

// Describe element that have to be in a route and nothing else.

// Describe element that have to be in a router and nothing else.

// Should be use by the router to match a route.



$controller = new class {
    public function hellWord() {
    public function newRoute() {
$route =  new \Pinoven\Routing\Route\Route('/my-route/{test}', [$controller, 'helloWord']);

$routeWithAlias =  new \Pinoven\Routing\Route\Route('/my-next-route/{test1}/{test2}', [$controller, 'newRoute'], 'route-alias');

You can use getter/setter to change these values.

You can add/update attributes on this route by using this:

$controller = new class {
    public function helloWord() {
$route =  new \Pinoven\Routing\Route\Route('/my-route/{test}', [$controller, 'helloWord']);

$route->setAttributes('priority', 4);


By using an array you can create a route:

use Pinoven\Routing\Route\RouteFactory;

$controller = new class {
    // ... Controller definition
$routeFactory = new RouteFactory();
$config = [
    'path' => '/hello/{name}',
    'alias' => 'mon-alias',
    'destination' => [$controller, 'methodToCall'],
    'attributes' => [
        'priority' => 6,
        'enabled' => false,
$route = $routeFactory->configure($config);


A route matcher is something that the router will use to found if a routing request has one or more route that can be bind.

use Pinoven\Routing\Route\RouteFactory;

$controller = new class {
    // ... Controller definition
$routeFactory = new RouteFactory();
$config = [
    'path' => '/hello/{name}',
    'alias' => 'mon-alias',
    'destination' => [$controller, 'methodToCall']
$route = $routeFactory->configure($config);

// Default expressions that can be used as delimiter for attributes.
$defaultExpressions = [
    new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteExpression\BracesRouteExpression(),
    new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteExpression\DigitBracesRouteExpression()
$matcher = new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteMatcher($defaultExpressions);

// $routeRequestData can be a RouteRequest or whatever you want to use to check if the route match with routing request. 
$routeRequestData = new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteRequest\RouteRequest('');
// It will return an empty array or with attributes or null if nothing matches.
$matcher->match($routeRequestData, $route);


// Default expressions that can be used as delimiter for attributes.
$defaultExpressions = [
    new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteExpression\BracesRouteExpression(),
    new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteExpression\DigitBracesRouteExpression()
$matcher = new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteMatcher($defaultExpressions);
$router = new \Pinoven\Routing\Router\Router($matcher);

// Default route matcher can be change
$routeMatcher = new class implements \Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteMatcherInterface {
     public function getRouteExpressions() : array{
    public function match($routeData,\Pinoven\Routing\Route\RouteInterface $route) : ?\Pinoven\Routing\Router\RouteRequest\RouteResultInterface{
// must implement RoutMatcherInterface

Route result

Route matching a routing request will be wrapped to a RouteResult instance. That one implements :



Route methods(add, remove, find, findOne, get) should use strategy. We able to implement whatever w want here such as collection.


  • Create issue: improvement + the reason why it should be implemented or issue + how to reproduce.
  • Create pull request and explain the issue.

More information will come about how to contribute on all pinoven package.