
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Lightweight and flexible library for configuration management

v0.0.2 2015-08-12 10:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 13:16:04 UTC


Php Simple Config

Build Status


This is yet another library to deal with Config values. It designed to be obvious, minimal, lightweight, fast and extensible.

This library combines approaches used by well-known and recognizable PHP (and not limited to) frameworks.


  • obvious and simple
  • dealing with config best practices
  • default values for missed items support
  • flexibility (yeah, someone may say that it is so flexible that you have to give it a support)
  • minimal and extensible codebase
  • designed to have lose coupled code (at least wannabe)
  • speed (one of fastest from all what you've ever seen, marketing guys may add "close to bare metal", but that is not true as all we know)


composer require pinepain/simple-config 0.*

Configs loading:

As this library tries to keep things simple, Config class requires only array of config items, so you may have any configs loading logic you want and your application needs.

Right out of the box there are FilesLoader configs loade which simply require's all files in single directory and store returned items in config array under file's basename (file name without path to it and its extension) key.


  • Nested configs loading (that one that reside in nested directories) are not supported.
  • Dot-file (that one that starts with dot(.) character) and files that have different than .php extension are ignored.
  • Files with dots in base name (name without path and extension) are not supported (see note below why).

Assume, we have such directory tree:

├── .dotfile.php
├── app.php
├── cache.php
├── db.php
├── mail.php.old
└── somedir/
    └── somefile.php

then loading configs from config directory will load only app.php, cache.php and db.php files and will ignore .dotfile.php and mail.php.old files and will skip somedir/ content completely.


Files with dots in it names (not counting dot between basename and extension) will leads to undiscoverable config section, e.g. config file db.old.php will be interpreted as [ 'db.old' => ... ] entry which can't be accessed via dot notation while we assume that each dot means one nested level.

While having such config section is ambiguous such naming is not supported by this library.


    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

    use Pinepain\SimpleConfig\Loaders\FilesLoader;
    use Pinepain\SimpleConfig\Config;

    $loader = new FilesLoader(__DIR__ . '/config');
    $config_items = $loader->load();
    $config = new Config($config_items);
    $config->get('some.value'); // will return all nested values under 'some.value' section
    $config->set('some.value', 'changed'); // change it
    // get item value or use default value if original item missed (and it is as we change it above)
    $config->get('', 'missed'); 

Note: While this library is rather set of blocks it was built with mind and hope that you will use some IoC container, but you can do all that manually.

Optimizations and caching

As this library tries to keep things simple, Config class requires only array of config items, so you may have any configs loading logic you want and your application needs.

In addition to FilesLoader loader there are FileCacheLoader and MergedFilesLoader loaders which designed to optimize config loading time by storing all config items in one file to reduce file operations. The main difference between them is that FileCacheLoader loader store already calculated config items and MergedFilesLoader combine config files content as is into one file. If you are in hurry - see example below to see the difference between them.


If you want to cache loaded config use FileCacheLoader which requires any config loader that implements LoaderInterface interface and file path to store cached config items to. It has very simple logic: it looks for cached file and if it exists than retun itrequred result, if no cached file found, config items loaded with passed loader and then cached to file and after that returned to user.


Out of the box we have FilesLoader loader and FileCacheLoader caching loader which perfectly works together in most cases. But if you follow 12-factor app methodology and store config in the environment and what more, relies on them in your config files, you have to clean cache on every env variable change. In case doing some dynamic calculus in config files you can't use caching at all.

Here MergedFilesLoader loader comes. It requires FilesLoader and file where to store merged config files to.

The loader logic is to merge all config file into one under appropriate section so then only 1 file operation required, but actual code in configs are still executed on require.

MergedFilesLoader is limited to config files parsing and built with hope that it will not be used in situations where configs used for programming, so it supposed that you have simple config with return statement that return config items on require.

MergedFilesLoader built using nikic/php-parser.


Assume we have two file:

    // app.php
    return [
        'env' => getenv('APP_ENV') ?: 'prod',
    // db.php
    return [
        'connections' => [
            'default' => [
                'driver'   => 'mysql',
                'host'     => getenv('DB_HOST') ?: 'localhost',
                'port'     => 3306,
                'user'     => getenv('DB_USER') ?: 'guest',
                'password' => getenv('DB_PASSWORD') ?: 'secret',

and assume we have not env variables set.

Caching wil lead to following content:

    // app.php
    return [
        'app' => [
            'env' => 'prod',
        'db' => [
            'connections' => [
                'default' => [
                    'driver'   => 'mysql',
                    'host'     => 'localhost',
                    'port'     => 3306,
                    'user'     => 'guest',
                    'password' => 'secret',

Merging will leads to:

    // app.php
    return [
        'app' [
            'env' => getenv('APP_ENV') ?: 'prod',
        'db' =>[
            'connections' => [
                'default' => [
                    'driver'   => 'mysql',
                    'host'     => getenv('DB_HOST') ?: 'localhost',
                    'port'     => 3306,
                    'user'     => getenv('DB_USER') ?: 'guest',
                    'password' => getenv('DB_PASSWORD') ?: 'secret',

If you change environment variables value and will not invalidate cache then you are likely to run into troubles. With merging you are unlikely to run into such issue. Performance for both FileCacheLoader and MergedFilesLoader are almost the same (run php example/benchmark_loaders.php to see exact results in your environment).


You can run benchmarking in your environment with php example/benchmark_loaders.php command.

Here are common results on ssd drive:

   Running bench with 1 repeats
       Simple loading: 0.00033092498779297
       Merged loading: 0.026033163070679
       Cached loading: 0.00065708160400391
   Running bench with 100 repeats
       Simple loading: 0.030107975006104
       Merged loading: 0.015130996704102
       Cached loading: 0.0095160007476807
   Running bench with 1000 repeats
       Simple loading: 0.24485111236572
       Merged loading: 0.068234920501709
       Cached loading: 0.058425903320312
   Running bench with 10000 repeats
       Simple loading: 2.4374539852142
       Merged loading: 0.61219501495361
       Cached loading: 0.52797985076904
   Running bench with 100000 repeats
       Simple loading: 22.758585929871
       Merged loading: 5.8093478679657
       Cached loading: 5.6891360282898

This bench run at the end of every travis build, so you can check results by seeing builds result.

Where to go from here:

Use provided ConfigInterface to inject config dependency and use it in your projects. Feels free to report any issues or suggest new Loaders or some new cool ideas to improve this library.

Config interface:

    namespace Pinepain\SimpleConfig;
    interface ConfigInterface
         * @param array | \ArrayObject $items
        public function __construct($items);

         * Get all of the configuration items.
         * @return array
        public function all();
         * Determine if the given configuration value exists.
         * @param  string $key
         * @return bool
        public function has($key);
         * Get the specified configuration value.
         * @param  string $key
         * @param  mixed $default
         * @return mixed
        public function get($key, $default = null);
         * Set a given configuration value.
         * @param  string $key
         * @param  mixed $value
         * @return void
        public function set($key, $value = null);

Configs loader interface:

    namespace Pinepain\SimpleConfig\Loaders;
    interface LoaderInterface
         * Load config items
         * @return array | \ArrayObject
        public function load();


Features that are not goal of this library:

  • Config items validation logic.
  • Dumping config items in fancy way with colors and formatting.

These features are not goals of this library and are subject of application- or framework-specific logic.