
Magento 2 Extension for Smile.io integration

Installs: 322

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Type:magento2-module 2018-06-07 07:27 UTC


This Magento 2 extension makes it possible to synchronise your customers and orders with Smile.io to make them available for Smile.io's loyalty program. It also contains the frontend integration.

Starting originally as a basic module from Mediact, this version has been substantially reworked to fix core issues that meant that the original module couldn't have worked. This version fixes a number of issues, and serves as the building block for the implementation of remaining feature set.

Code Example

Every time a customer saves his account, the customer is synchronised with Smile.io. The same goes for each order that's placed by a customer. It will be synchronised along with the customer information.


This extension makes it possible to automatically synchronise customer and orders to Smile.io.


The extension can be installed using composer via composer require "pillbox/module-smile-io".

API Reference

This extension synchronises the data for customer and orders to Smile.io.