
This Symfony extension allows for the integration of middleware into your application, providing a streamlined approach to handling HTTP requests and responses.

1.1.0 2023-12-10 14:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 15:41:20 UTC


This Symfony extension makes it possible to implement middleware for editing requests and responses within a Symfony application. Middlewares are registered as services in a container and run in the order they are defined in code.


The package can be installed using Composer with the command::

$ composer require pierotto/symfony-middleware-bundle

After installing the package, it needs to be registered in AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles(): array
    $bundles = [
        new \Pierotto\MiddlewareBundle\MiddlewareBundle(),


To use middleware, you need to create your own class that implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface. Then this class can be registered as a service in the container and set the middleware tag.

For example, request modification middleware can be implemented as follows:

namespace Api\Http\Middleware;

class CustomMiddleware implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface

	public function process(
		\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
		\Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler
	): \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
		return $handler->handle($request->withAttribute('test', 'test'));


The response editing middleware could look like this:

namespace Api\Http\Middleware;

class NotFoundMiddleware implements \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface

	public function process(
		\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
		\Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler
	): \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
		return new \Nyholm\Psr7\Response\Response(404);


Then you need to register the created middleware as services in services.yml and set the middleware tag to them:

        tags: [ 'middleware' ]

Middleware can then be used when calling controller methods by adding the \Application\MiddlewareBundle\Infrastructure\Attribute\Middleware attribute with the value of the middleware class name. The middleware is started in the order in which the attributes are defined.

	public function defaultAction(
		\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
	): \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response