pierophp / php-cs-fixer-extra
PHP CS Fixer Extra
2017-03-08 20:21 UTC
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: >=1.12,<2.2
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ~5.0
Some extra fixers for SensioLabs PHP CS Fixer. http://cs.sensiolabs.org/
$ composer require --dev pierophp/php-cs-fixer-extra
Create a ".php_cs" in the project root with the example content:
<?php $finder = Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder::create() ->files() ->in(__DIR__) ->exclude('vendor') ->exclude('resources/views') ->exclude('storage') ->exclude('public') ->ignoreDotFiles(true) ->ignoreVCS(true); return Symfony\CS\Config::create() ->addCustomFixer(new \PhpCsFixerExtra\Fixer\PhpdocFullNamespaceFixer()) ->finder($finder) ->setUsingCache(true);
Run the command to fix:
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --config-file=./.php_cs fix my_file.php
Configuring in GIT Pre-Commit
If you have GIT 2.9+ you can configure the PHP CS in the pre-commit.
Create a file with the path "hooks/pre-commit" in the project root with the following content:
#!/bin/bash while read -r file; do file=`echo ${file:1}` if [[ $file = *.php && -e $file && $file != *migrations* ]]; then ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --config-file=./.php_cs fix $file git add $file fi done < <(git diff --cached --name-status --diff-filter=ACM)
After, add in git:
$ git config --add core.hooksPath hooks/