
A translation handler class using symfony/yaml

v1.0.1 2023-07-28 12:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 14:46:05 UTC


A translation handler class using symfony/yaml

Please read the docs of symfony/Yaml component

How to use:

Initialize class:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \phyzikz\TransHandler\TransHandler as TH;
$t = new TH();

Your translations will be held at default yaml directory, ./translations. You can change this directory or get current translation directory

$t->setYamlDirectory($yamlDirectory);   // set
$yamlFolder = $t->getYamlDirectory();   // get

Creating directory if not exists


Setting desired language / locale / whatever name


Creating translation file from code

$t->setTrans('Welcome', 'Willkommen');  // key, value
$t->setTrans('Hello', 'Hallo');         // key, value
$t->createYaml();                       // saves de.yaml with given key, value pairs              

Extending translation file from code

if (!$t->isLangExists('de'))            // checking language file
    die("Missing file.");
$t->setLangName('de');                  // desired language file
$trans->parseYaml();                    // reading and parsing translation
$trans->parseYaml('de');                // shorthand for setLanguage and parseYaml

$t->setTrans('motorcycle racing', 'Motorradrennen');
$t->createYaml();                       // saves / overwrites de.yaml with extended key/value pairs

Using translation keys

echo $t->getTrans('Greetings')."<br>";

Using translation array

$tArray = $t->getTransArray();          // puts translations into an array
foreach($tArray as $k => $v)            // dumping all translation
    echo $k.": ".$v."<br>";

Adding translation outside the class and writing back to file

$tArray = $t->getTransArray();          // puts translations into an array
$tArray['cucumber'] = 'uborka';
$t->setTransArray($tArray);             // fills class variable
$t->createYaml();                       // writing out
echo "<pre>";
var_dump($trans->getTransArray());      // dumps current class var
echo "</pre>";