
PHPSimpl - a collection of useful PHP classes

1.0.20 2020-01-05 18:11 UTC



A PHP framework for rapidly creating classes that mirror MySQL tables. The Simpl framework comes with the basic functions to list, display and edit records from the database. With this framework a simple manager and front of a site can be created within a few minutes. An example database, manager and front end are included with the framework.


  • No make/PEAR/Root Access required
  • Database table abstraction
  • Automatically configured database functions (ie. !GetInfo, !GetList, Save, Delete, Search and Form)
  • Advanced automatic form creation to mirror database/class expectations, XHTML compliant and ADA accessible.
  • Table structure caching, Query level caching, and saving of inserts or updates to the filesystem if the database is unavailable.
  • Ability to query cross databases on the same server
  • Form validation
  • Upload, Move, Copy, Delete and List Files
  • Resize and Rotate Images
  • Email with class abstraction with support for attachments
  • RSS0.91, RSS1.0, RSS2.0, ATOM Feeds
  • CVS, JSON, XML and SQL Exports
  • JSON encoding and decoding support


  • Easy Install. No need to be an administrator.
  • Minimal Server Load. Created for a high traffic shared server environment.
  • Straightforward API. No need to dig through documentation, functions are naturally named.
  • Stop Wasting Time. Time is precious, no need to reinvent the wheel.