
Phpf Common package

dev-master 2015-01-31 21:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-01 18:18:00 UTC


Common class library, including a flexible autoloader and various containers.

Namespace: Phpf\Common

Dependencies: None

###Classes #####Containers

  • Container
  • DataContainer
  • EnhancedContainer
  • EnhancedDataContainer
  • SerializableContainer
  • SerializableDataContainer


  • Registry
  • StaticRegistry


  • Autoloader
  • ClassAliaser


####Containers Containers provide a generic object interface and are based on 4 core methods:

  • get($var) - Retrieve an item.
  • set($var, $val) - Set an item.
  • exists($var) - Return whether an item exists.
  • remove($var) - Remove an item.

Containers also have the following additional methods:

  • import($vars) - Sets items from an associative array or iterable object.
  • toArray($indexed = false) - Returns items as an array, optionally indexed.
  • count() - Implements Countable
  • getIterator() - Implements IteratorAggregate.

Containers implement ArrayAccess and the four magic methods __get(), __set(), __isset(), and __unset(). Both the magic and array access methods are based on the four core methods, which means that subclasses only need to overwrite the 4 core methods.

#####Container The Container class is the simplest type of container. Each item is a property - for example, $container->set('name', 'Jim') would set the object property name to Jim.

#####DataContainer The DataContainer class has the same methods as the basic container; however, items are stored in a single array property data. Using the same example as above, the data container would instead add an array entry to its data property with key name and value Jim.

#####EnhancedContainer The "enhanced" containers (EnhancedContainer and EnhancedDataContainer) simply allow callable properties to be added and then called as object methods, much like JavaScript.

For example:

$container = new \Phpf\Common\EnhancedContainer;

$container->set('formalize', function ($last_name, $gender) {
	switch($gender) {
		case 'doctor':
			$pre = 'Dr.';
		case 'male':
			$pre = 'Mr.';
		case 'female':
			$pre = 'Ms.';
	return $pre.' '.$last_name;

echo $container->formalize('Jones', 'male'); // prints "Mr. Jones"