
PHP-Engine is a PHP micro framework to manage and simplify routes, HTTP requests and HTTP responses.

dev-master 2018-06-15 15:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 02:37:00 UTC


A basic engine on PHP to manage and simplify routes, HTTP requests and HTTP responses.

Get started

Composer :

$ composer require phpengine/engine "dev-master"

Make sure that you have 4 files :

  • Application.php
  • Request.php
  • Response.php
  • Route.php

Put these files on engine repository.

Create an index.php file.

A basic index.php file :



use \phpengine\Request as Request;
use \phpengine\Response as Response;

// Settings
$config = array("debug" => true, "lang" => "fr");
$app = new phpengine\Application($config);

// Declare your first route : my home
$app->get("/", function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
		Hello World !
})->setName("my home");


Declare each route as follows that :

$app->HTTPmethod("/your_path", function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something...
})->setName("your route name");

Function parameters : $req, $resp, $args, $app :

  • $req : represent an instance of the HTTP request
  • $resp : represent an instance of the HTTP responses
  • $args : associative array of your args on URL
  • $app : represent an instance of the current app

HTTP Methods :

  • GET : $app->get method
  • POST : $app->post method
  • PUT : $app->put method
  • DELETE : $app->delete method

Args : You can declare a route like this :

$app->HTTPmethod("/your_path/{first_arg}/{second_arg}", function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something...
})->setName("your route name");

In this example, there are 2 args : "first_arg" and "second_arg". If you go to /your_path/foo/bar URL, $args["first_arg"] = foo and $args["second_arg"] = bar.

Debug mode : If you set debug mode on app config ($config = array("debug" => true);), PHP error display is activate and cache control is desactivate. By default, debug isn't activate. You can check if debug mode is active with $app->isDebug() (return a boolean value) method.

Middlewares : Middleware is a function executed before the main function of a route. You can delare a middleware with add method for a Route object like this :

$app->get("/", function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something... : this is the main function
})->setName("link1")->add(function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something...
	// return true;    => Call next action (here : the main action)...
	// return false;   => Stop action

You have to return a boolean value for each middleware. You can also declare multiple middlewares like this :

$app->get("/", function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something... : this is the main function
})->setName("link1")->add(function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something...
	// return true;    => Call next middleware...
	// return false;   => Stop action
})->add(function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something...
	// return true;    => Call the main function...
	// return false;   => Stop action

If you want to declare your middleware on an other file you can make a php file like this (myMiddleware.php) :

namespace middleware; // Put your php file on middleware directory (or your namespace name)
use \phpengine\Request as Request;
use \phpengine\Response as Response;
class myMiddleware {
    public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app)
        // Do something...
		// return true/false;

And add your middleware to route like this on index.php :

$app->get("/", function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something... : this is the main function
})->setName("link1")->add(new \middleware\myMiddleware());

404 page : To make a custom 404 page you have to declare a special route for 404 like this on index.php :

$app->error404(function(Request $req, Response $resp, $args, $app) {
	// Do something...

Global vars : You can declare a global var to access a value on the entire app like this :

$app->setVar("var", "abcdef");
echo $app->getVar("var"); // abcdef

Get the full URL for a route :

$app->getRoute("name of your route")->getFullUrl(); // return a string for the complete URL like "http://host/base_folder/path"

Make a custom URL by binding an array representing args value for a route. Example for route /your_path/{first_arg}/{second_arg} named "myRoute" :

$app->getRoute("myRoute")->getFullUrl(array("foo","bar")); // return a string for the complete URL : "http://host/base_folder/your_path/foo/bar"