
1.1.7 2023-06-23 17:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-23 21:06:33 UTC


About Validation

  • A PHP library for data validations
  • Requires PHP Extension FINFO.

Composer Install

composer require phpbook/validation

Declare Configurations


 *  Declare Configurations
 * ******************************************/

/* the example messages below are the default messages */

\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('values:bind', 'You must set all parameters to validate');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('values:attrs', 'The count of values and attributes must match');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('attr:exists', 'The attribute alias {attribute} does not exist');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:string', '{label} must be a string');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:integer', '{label} must be a integer');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:digits', '{label} must be only digits');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:float', '{label} must be a float');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:boolean', '{label} must be a boolean');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:date', '{label} must be a date');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:datetime', '{label} must be a datetime');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:time', '{label} must be a time');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:array', '{label} must be a lista of data');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('type:class', '{label} is a invalid data');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('required', '{label} is required.');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('min', '{label} must have min value {min}');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('max', '{label} must have max value {max}');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('minlength', '{label} must have min {minlength} characters');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('maxlength', '{label} must have max {maxlength} characters');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('options', '{label} must be one of the following options, {options}');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('mimes', '{label} must be a file type {mimes}');
\PHPBook\Validation\Configuration\Message::setLabel('maxkbs', '{label} max kb size is {maxkbs}');


Declare Validation


 *  Declare Validation
 * ******************************************/

class CustomerValidation {

	private $layout;

	public static $STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';

	public static $STATUS_INACTIVE = 'inactive';

	public static $STATUS_PROCESS = 'process';

	function __construct() {

		$this->layout = new \PHPBook\Validation\Layout;

		$this->layout->setAttribute('id', [
			'label' => 'Id',
			'type' => '@string',
			'uuid' => true,
			'required' => true,
		->setAttribute('age', [
			'label' => 'Age',
			'type' => '@integer',
			'required' => true,
			'min' => 18,
			'max' => 100

		->setAttribute('document', [
			'label' => 'Document',
			'type' => '@digits',
			'required' => true,
			'maxlength' => 15

		->setAttribute('weight', [
			'label' => 'Weight',
			'type' => '@float',
			'required' => false

		->setAttribute('name', [
			'label' => 'Name',
			'type' => '@string',
			'required' => true,
			'minlength' => 5,
			'maxlength' => 120

		->setAttribute('photo', [
			'label' => 'Photo',
			'type' => '@file-buffer',
			'required' => true,
			'maxkbs' => 100,
			'mimes' => ['image' => 'Image File']
		->setAttribute('status', [
			'label' => 'Status',
			'type' => '@string',
			'required' => false,
			'options' => [static::$STATUS_ACTIVE => 'Active', static::$STATUS_INACTIVE => 'Inactive', static::$STATUS_PROCESS => 'Process']
		->setAttribute('friend',  [
			'label' => 'Friend',
			'type' => '\App\Module\Friend\Entity',
			'hints' => 'Friends',
			'required' => false

		->setAttribute('friends', [
			'label' => 'Friends',
			'type' => '@array:\App\Module\Friend\Entity',
			'hints' => 'List of Friends'

		->setAttribute('numbers', [
			'label' => 'Numbers',
			'type' => '@array:@integer',

		->setAttribute('active', [
			'label' => 'Ativo',
			'type' => '@boolean',
			'required' => true

		->setAttribute('date', [
			'label' => 'Date',
			'type' => '@date',
			'required' => true,

		->setAttribute('datetime', [
			'label' => 'Date Time',
			'type' => '@datetime',
			'required' => true

		->setAttribute('time', [
			'label' => 'Time',
			'type' => '@time',
			'required' => true

		->setRule('ageOfJhon', ['name', 'age'], function($name, $age) {
			/* rules validations are called after the attributes validation */
			if (($name) and ($name == 'jhon')) {
				if (($age) and ($age < 18)) {
					/* you should throw exception like the basic validation does */
					throw new Exception('Jhon must be 18 years old or more');


		->setRule('anaCantBeHere', ['name'], function($name) {

			/* rules validations are called after the attributes validation */
			if ($name == 'ana') {
				/* you should throw exception like the basic validation does */
				throw new Exception('What are you doing here Ana?');


		->setRule('statuRequiredForJhon', ['name', 'status'], function($name, $status) {

			/* rules validations are called after the attributes validation */
			if ($name == 'jhon') {
				if (!$status) {
					/* you should throw exception like the basic validation does */
					throw new Exception('Status is required for Jhon');



	public function getLayout(): \PHPBook\Validation\Layout {

		return $this->layout;




Use Validation


 *  Use Validation
 * ******************************************/

class Customer {
	function __construct($name, $age) {		
		/* the validator throws exception when there is an error and variables list will not be returned */

		/* you must set all the validations parameters otherwise you catch an exception */

		/* Validator provides a uuid attribute option, but the variable value must be null to generate the uuid */

		$customerValidation = new CustomerValidation;

		try {

			list($this->id, $this->name, $this->age) = $customerValidation->getLayout()->validate([null, $name, $age], ['id', 'name', 'age']);

		} catch(\Exception $e) {

			echo $e->getMessage();



	public function getName() {
		return $this->name;

	public function getAge() {
		return $this->age;


/* You can iterate the attributes */

$customerValidation = new CustomerValidation;

$attributes = $customerValidation->getLayout()->getAttributes();

foreach($attributes as $name => $attribute) {

	$name; //age

	$attribute; //['type' => '@integer', 'required' => true]

/* You can iterate and verbose the attributes */

$customerValidation = new CustomerValidation;

$attributes = $customerValidation->getLayout()->getAttributes();

foreach($attributes as $name => $attribute) {

	$customerValidation->getLayout()->getAttributeVerbose($name); //name must be a string. name must have max 120 characters. name is required

/* You can iterate the rules */

$customerValidation = new CustomerValidation;

$rules = $customerValidation->getLayout()->getRules();

foreach($rules as $key => $rule) {

	list($name, $attributes, $closure) = $rule;

/* You can get the rules verbose */

$customerValidation->getLayout()->getRulesVerbose(); //one string with all the rules descriptions

  • Validation of date, datetime and time follows the international string format YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s | YYYY-MM-DD | H:i:s
  • Validation of date, datetime and time enable using DateTime class as value to be validated