phpanonymous / senangpay
This package will provide facade and easy integration with SenangPay payment gateway. updated by Mahmoud Ibrahim - phpanonymous
- php: >=8.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-20 16:39:08 UTC
Package description: This is a simple package to allow using Senangpay Payment Gateway API in Laravel Project
forked package from Jomos and updated to enable in laravel 10 or later by mahmoud Ibrahim (phpanonymous)
Install via composer
composer require phpanonymous/senangpay
return [
"mode" => "sandbox", // sandbox | live
"secret-key" => "",
"merchant-id" => ""
Register Service Provider
Note! This and next step are optional if you use laravel>=5.5 with package auto discovery feature.
Add service provider to config/app.php
in providers
Register Facade
Register package facade in config/app.php
in aliases
Publish Configuration File
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Phpanonymous\SenangPay\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Step 1: Make sure you already register with Senangpay Step 2: Login and get your Merchant ID and your Secret Key Then please enter this inside field for Return Url: 'http://[YOUR DOMAIN NAME]/process-return-url' Then enter this in Return URL Parameters: '?status_id=[TXN_STATUS]&order_id=[ORDER_ID]&transaction_id=[TXN_REF]&message=[MSG]&hash=[HASH]'
Step 3: (assuming you already install this package and publish them) Go to config/senangpay.php and edit your Merchant Id and your Secret Key accordingly (which you get from step 2).
Step 4: In Your controller add this to your ordering processing method.
Example: After customer click checkout or pay, the form should submit via post to a controller method
use Phpanonymous\SenangPay\Senangpay; class PaymentController extends Controller { public function processOrder(Request $request){ // .. prior code usually on taking orders and save to orders table $payerName = $request->payer_name; $payerEmail = $request->payer_email; $payerPhone = $rquest->payer_phone; $detail = 'Order For something something'; // Change to any title of this order $orderId = '1234567'; // Make sure it is a unique no and not a running number that payer can guest. $amount = '300'; // Equals to RM300.00 $user_info = [ 'name'=>$payerName, 'email'=>$payerEmail, 'mobile'=>$payerPhone, ]; $payment = Senangpay::pay($user_info, $detail, $order_id, $amount); return redirect()->away($payment['url']); } public function processReturnUrl(Request $request){ if(Senangpay::checkIfReturnHashCorrect() == true) { $order = Order::find($request->order_id); if( $request->status_id == 1 ) { $order->payment_status = 'Paid'; $order->senangpay_transaction_id = $request->transaction_id; $order->confirm_payment_date = date('Y-m-d'); $order->save(); return redirect()->to('success'); } else { return redirect()->to('fail'); } } } }
Step 5: In routes/web.php add these 2 routes:
Route::post('process-order', 'PaymentController@processOrder'); Route::get('process-return-url', 'PaymentController@processReturnUrl');
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.