
Makes package development easier by editing them on any project via the same central filesystem location

2.2.0 2017-09-06 15:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 00:35:14 UTC


Makes package development easier by editing them on any project via the same central filesystem location.


This Composer plugin simplifies the development of packages that are being used on multiple projects.

During a project's package installation (via composer install or composer update), it creates symlinks on a "junction directory" for each package that is "exposed".

Which packages are selected for exposure is determined by a set of matching patterns that are defined the project's composer.json or on a global composer.json (which defines rules for all projects).

The same packages on different projects will always be available on the same location on the junction directory; all you have to do is to run the composer expose command whenever you switch projects.

Additionaly, it creates a backup of all exposed packages to a "source directory", which can be exposed on the junction directory by running the composer expose-source command.

Finally, you can get status information about which packages on a project are being exposed by running the composer expose-status command.

Use cases

These features are quite useful when you want to:

  • edit packages on their own repository (the 'source directory') or directly on any of the projects that use them, but always via the same central filesystem location (the junction directory);
  • register a package's repository only once on your VCS GUI client (ex: Git), and reuse that registration for any project you work on that uses that package;
  • automatically configure an authenticated origin remote with write permissions, for all exposed packages.

Additional Features

  • On MacOS, if you have SourceTree installed, it updates the registered repository paths to use the junction directories, not the symlink targets (SourceTree must not be running); this needs to be done only once for each repository;
  • Supports custom package installation directories, where some packages may use installer plugins that install them to alternative locations (other than the default vendor directory);
  • Supports customizing the vendor directory location using the config.vendor-dir standard Composer setting;
  • Supports symlinking on Windows (using "junctions") - To be done.


  • PHP version >= 5.6
  • Operating System: Mac OS X, Linux or Windows (Vista, Server 2008 or a newer version)


The recommended setup is to install the plugin globally and set its configuration also globally. This way you avoid polluting each project's composer.json with information relative to this plugin which will be of no use neither to other developers nor to users of those projects.

To install globally on your development machine

If it doesn't exist yet, create a composer.json file on the composer's configuration folder (usually at ~/.composer).

Ex: ~/.composer/composer.json

Add php-kit/composer-expose-packages-plugin to the composer.json's require setting.

Run composer global update anywhere.

The plugin will be active for all projects on your machine only. No packages will be exposed until you configure the plugin to expose specific packages and then perform a composer install|update|expose|expose-source operation.

To install locally, per project

Add php-kit/composer-expose-packages-plugin to the composer.json's require-dev setting of those projects that will use shared packages.

Delete all packages that you whish to expose and then run composer update on the project folder.

On production, this plugin will not be installed and no packages wil be shared if you run composer install -no-dev. That is why the plugin name should be added to required-dev and not to require.


From this point on, when mentioning composer.json, I mean the global one or the project's one, depending on the type of installation you have chosen.

The plugin will load both the global configuration (if one exists) and the project configuration (again, if one exists) and merge them. Project-specific settings will take precedence over global ones.

Add an extra expose-packages configuration section to the composer.json's extra section.

On that section, you can specify a match setting containing an array of vendor/packages names or glob patterns.

If neither a match setting exists, nor a name or pattern are specified, no packages will be exposed.

You can also specify a junctiondDir setting that defines the directory path of the central access location for exposed packages. It can be a relative or absolute path and you can also use ~ as an alias to the user's home directory. The default is ~/exposed-packages.

These configuration settings only apply to the root composer.json of your project. Settings specified on packages will have no effect.

You can use Wikimedia's composer-merge-plugin if you need to also merge those settings with the ones from the main project.

Finally, you may specify a sourceDir setting that defines the directory path where backup copies of exposed packages are stored.


global composer.json at ~/.composer
  "require": {
    "php-kit/composer-expose-packages-plugin": "^2.0"
  "extra": {
    "expose-packages": {
      "match": [
      "junctiondDir": "~/exposed-packages",
      "sourceDir": "~/packages"


You can run Composer in debug mode with the -v flag to enable the output of extended information messages, which can be useful for troubleshooting.

Messages output by this plugin will be prefixed with [shared-packages-plugin].


  • Windows support


This library is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2015 by Cláudio Silva and Impactwave Lda.