
An http client that adds delays between requests for getting around time based bot detection

8.0.5 2025-03-02 17:13 UTC


An http client that adds delays between requests for getting around time based bot detection.

coverage build status


The installation of this library is made via composer and the autoloading of all classes of this library is made through their autoloader.

  • Download composer.phar from their website.
  • Then run the following command to install this library as dependency :
  • php composer.phar php-extended/php-http-client-delay ^8

Basic Usage

This library is to make a man in the middle for http request and response and deny all the requests that does to unacceptable or unsafe domains.

/* @var $client  \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface   */ // psr-18
/* @var $request \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface */ // psr-7

$client = new DelayClient($client);
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);

/* @var $response \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */

This library supports the custom header X-Php-Delay-Ms that represents the number of milliseconds of delays that must be applied for a specific request.


MIT (See license file).