
Nepali Calendar Scrapping

dev-main 2022-11-12 20:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 20:55:56 UTC


Nepali Calendar helps you to keep track of important dates, events, tithis etc in your own system.


composer require photon-series/nepali-calendar


Publish everything it finds, this includes configs, views, migrations, and more.

php artisan vendor:publish

Provider: Icts\Nepalicalander\NepaliCalanderServiceProvider .................................................

To sync database with hamro patro detes, events, holidays and more.

php artisan calendar


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;

Initialize Date Converter

use Nilambar\NepaliDate\NepaliDate;

$obj = new NepaliDate();

// Convert BS to AD.
$date = $obj->convertBsToAd('2077', '1', '1');

// Convert AD to BS.
$date = $obj->convertAdToBs('2020', '1', '1');

// Get Nepali date details by BS date.
$date = $obj->getDetails('2077', '1', '1', 'bs');

// Get Nepali date details by AD date.
$date = $obj->getDetails('2020', '1', '1', 'ad');


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