
There is no license information available for the latest version (5.0.0) of this package.

5.0.0 2023-10-02 18:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:33:10 UTC



This repository is an extension for atk4/data. It enables you to easily set and store the execution of many different cronjobs. Many different schedule options from yearly to minutely are available. The logic of these cronjobs has to be implemented separately.

The repository consists of these classes:

  • BaseCronJob: This is a base for all real cronjobs. The actual logic for a cronjob is implemented in a class extending BaseCronJob.
  • Scheduler: This is used to persist each wanted execution. It contains the info which BaseCronJob child should be executed when.
  • Executor: This class contains all the logic to decide when which Scheduler (and hence the corresponding BaseCronJob child) should be executed. Executor::run() needs to be executed each minute by a system cron for this repo to work properly.
  • ExecutionLog: In here, execution results are logged. If execution results should be logged can be defined per Scheduler.
  • CronJobLoader: This is a small helper. As all Cronjobs are stored as PHP classes, this class checks given directories for available BaseCronJob implementations.

How to use


The easiest way to use this repository is to add it to your composer.json in the require section:

  "require": {
    "philippgrashoff/cronforatk": "4.0.*"

Setup Database

Two classes in this package need a database table: Scheduler and ExecutionLog You can use Atk4\Data\Schema\Migrator to create these 2 tables and the foreign key in your database.

$persistence = new Sql(

//Setup database
$scheduler = new Scheduler($this->db);
(new Migrator($scheduler))->create();
$executionLog = new ExecutionLog($this->db);
(new Migrator($executionLog))->create()->createForeignKey($executionLog->getReference('scheduler_id'));

Sample usage

1) Create a real cronjob that extends BaseCronJob

class MyCronJob extends BaseCronJob

    public static string $name = 'SomeNameForThisCron';
    public static string $description = 'SomeDescriptionExplainingWhatThisIsDoing';

    public bool $strict = false;

    public function execute(): void
        //do something
        $someModel = new SomeModel($this->persistence);
        foreach ($someModel as $entity) {
            if($this->strict) {
            else {
            //optionally add some output to log
            $this->executionLog[] = 'SomeModel With ID ' . $entity->getId()
                . 'checked at ' . (new \DateTime())->format(DATE_ATOM);

2) Add one or more Schedulers to schedule when the cronjob should be executed

Note: You can create a nice UI to create and update schedulers by using atk4\ui. In the following sample code, the schedulers are solely created on data level.

//tell the Schedulers where to look for Cronjob implementations.
//In real implementations, extend Scheduler to set this once for all Schedulers
$pathsToCronJobs = [__DIR__ => 'cronforatk\docs'];

//Have our Cronjob executed Daily.
$schedulerDaily = new Scheduler($persistence, ['cronFilesPaths' => $pathsToCronJobs]);
$schedulerDaily->set('cronjob_class', MyCronJob::class);
$schedulerDaily->set('interval', 'DAILY');
$schedulerDaily->set('time_daily', '03:45');

//you could add more schedulers executing the same cronjob in different intervals.
// Here, we will add a weekly check sets the "strict" of MyCronJob to true. Like this, cronjobs can be parametrized
$schedulerWeekly = new Scheduler($persistence, ['cronFilesPaths' => $pathsToCronJobs]);
$schedulerWeekly->set('cronjob_class', MyCronJob::class);
$schedulerWeekly->set('interval', 'WEEKLY');
$schedulerWeekly->set('weekday_weekly', 6); //Saturday
$schedulerWeekly->set('time_weekly', '01:32');
$schedulerWeekly->set('defaults', ['strict' => true]);

3) Run Executor::run() minutely

Executor::run() checks which schedulers (and hence cronjobs) need to be executed at each minute by the definitions set in the schedulers. Add a simple script which is executed each minute by the system cron:

$executor = new Executor($persistence);

All sample code from this readme can be found in the docs directory.


The version numbers of this repository correspond with the atk4\data versions. So 4.0.x is compatible with atk4\data 4.0.x and so on.

Open Todos

  • Currently, there are different time fields in Scheduler: time_yearly, time_monthly, time_weekly and time_daily. This should be replaced be a single time field.
  • There is no locking implemented (A cronjob could still be in schedule/currently being executed while being executed again by the next minutely Executor::run()). This should only be an issue for crons that are executed minutely.
  • There currently is no option to execute a cronjob at the last day of the month. This would be a sensible addition.