
Laravel 6.x Monolog custom database channel

v1.3 2021-03-22 10:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-22 18:25:48 UTC


This package will log errors into a database instead storage/log/laravel.log file.


composer require philippelamny/monolog-db

Open up config/logging.php and find the channels key. Add the following channel to the list.

'database' => [
    'driver' => 'custom',
    'via'=> \Logger\DatabaseLogger::class,
    'table'=> env('DB_LOG_TABLE', 'logs'),
    'connection' => env('DB_LOG_CONNECTION', env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql')),

Set up Environment Variables (see Below).

Migrate the tables.

php artisan migrate

Database Engines

Make sure before you migrate the table that you have set the envirment veriable for the database engine. This is done by adding the following line to the .env file


To use the whatever the default database engine is or to specify no database engine during the table migration use the following


Environment configuration

If you wish to change default table name to write the log into add the following definition in your .env file


To change the database connection that is used to wright the logs add the following definition to your .env file


To make sure you are using the database channel for logging add it to the stack in your config\logging.php or change the following in your .env file



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